Monday , 29 April 2024

Tag Archives: Social Security

Groundwork Has Been Laid for Hyperinflation, Soaring Interest Rates and Exploding Gold and Silver Prices (+2K Views)

Increases in spending and liabilities along with decreases in foreign lending equals a recipe for disaster. So, where will the money come from? This is a job for the printing press. While we are certainly facing deflation in the near term and a very choppy market, the groundwork has been laid for hyperinflation, soaring interest rates and exploding gold and silver prices. Words: 945

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Americans: Pull Your Heads Out of the Sand Before It's Too Late!

A demographic stampede is about to pulverize American society. Eighty million retirees—the baby boom generation—are rapidly heading into their retirement years and, according to a recent survey, Americans have less money than ever. Being so unprepared can only mean a very unhappy "retirement" unless they pull their heads out of the sand and do something about it before it is too late. Words: 807

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Many U. S. Debt Obligations are Unrecognized, Unmeasured, Unmanaged and Unfunded

When people find themselves in a situation where they feel they don't have a decent grip on the risks they face, or where a great deal of critical information is hidden from view, emotions can easily overwhelm rational decision-making. Is it so farfetched to think that a sudden loss of confidence in the United States' ability to manage its finances could evoke similar fears about just how large and widespread the fallout might be? Words: 1026

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How Safe Is Your Retirement Money from the Government’s Grasp? (+2K Views)

Hank Paulson, the Goldman Sachs bankster/US Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the world financial system is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives. Wall Street’s approach to the poor has always been to drive them deeper into the ground. Words: 777

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