Saturday , 15 March 2025

Tag Archives: silver

5 Sound Reasons NOT to Own Gold! (6K Views)

One investment is touted as the cure all for incompetent governmental economic mismanagement, heightened risks of war, threats of rampant inflation, and depreciating currency. That investment is making new highs every day. That investment is gold. Should you succumb? No, and here are 5 reasons why!

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What You Need to Know Before Investing in Silver (+5K Views)

I believe there is more opportunity in the silver market over the next two years relative to gold and, as such I'm now advocating accumulating a large overweight position in silver relative to gold because, over the long-term, there is such a great demand vs. supply situation developing....Before investing in silver, however, there are a number very important things that you must understand about the silver market. Let me explain. Words: 899

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Finally! Someone With the Balls to Face Reality and Outline the Probable Outcome & Utter Hopelessness of America’s Debt Problems (+7K Views)

Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one "analyst" - even one - who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe - until now. Words: 710

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Beware: Official U.S. Government Price for Gold is Only $42.22/ozt. (+9K Views)

The United States has seen four different gold confiscations — the last of which was in 1933. Few people realize that when the freedom to own gold was restored in 1972, the President retained the power to require us to surrender our gold which he can do again any time (probably on a Friday) with the mere stroke of a pen. That means all confiscated gold could possibly be compensated at only $42.22 per 1oz. and not at the world market price. Don’t take this decision lightly. It was another blatant warning that the government may be contemplating grand larceny — AGAIN. Words: 1740

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Don’t Ignore Silver; Its Time has Come! (+5K Views)

Gold and silver generally move in sync with each other and tend to move in the same direction. The relationship is such that there’s even an indicator that measures it – the gold/silver ratio. Many investors use the ratio to spot extremes in the pricing of either precious metal, and to spot trends, whether up or down. The ratio currently sits at approx. 80:1 and suggests that silver has some catching up to do.

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Why You Should Own Some Silver – As Well As Gold (+9K Views)

Silver has had quite a run the last couple months... so it's no surprise that it has gained much attention and interest from investors - even more so than gold. It is extremely volatile, however, and tends to rise or fall in spurts so I'd like to focus on its attributes as compared to gold, make a case for holding some, and discuss some ultimate price possibilities. Words: 1606

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