Sunday , 28 April 2024

Tag Archives: silver

Big Banks Blatantly “Harvesting” Your Money! Got Physical Gold? (+3K Views)

When prices are set by companies that can profit by manipulating or rigging them, we’re screwed. This “harvesting” of our money in ever-more-creative and hard-to-detect ways is not just stealing by reaching a hand into our pocket and taking out money, but stealing in which banks can hit a few keystrokes and magically make whatever is in our pocket worth less. This is corruption at the molecular level of the economy - space age stealing - and it’s only just coming into view.

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The “Rothschild System” and the Present & Future Price of Gold (+8K Views)

If the East has gained control of the gold, and the West is essentially insolvent to its core, why aren’t gold and silver finding a higher level that, at a minimum, would reflect a simple adjustment for inflation for the past few decades? The answer is really quite simple: the "Rothschild formula" is is alive and well. Let me explain just what the Rothschild formula is and how it is influencing the price of gold.

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Big Move In Silver About To Happen So Watch This Chart Closely

We have been following silver’s performance closely and anticipating a strong move in silver price for a while now. As we write this article, the silver price is still trading within the range on its 35 year silver chart, and we believe the resolution of the long term triangle pattern will be resolved very soon. Summer 2018 will set the tone for silver and gold price for the rest of 2018 and possibly early 2019. Here's why.

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