Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: quantitative easing

QE Could Drive S&P 500 UP 25% in 2013 & UP Another 28% in 2014 – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Ever since the Dow broke the 14,000 mark and the S&P broke the 1,500 mark, even in the face of a shrinking GDP print, a lot of investors and commentators have been anxious. Some are proclaiming a rocket ride to the moon as bond money now rotates into stocks....[while] others are ringing the warning bell that this may be the beginning of the end, and a correction is likely coming. I find it a bit surprising, however, that no one is talking of the single largest driver for stocks in the past 4 years - massive monetary base expansion by the Fed. (This article does just that and concludes that the S&P 500 could well see a year end number of 1872 (+25%) and, realistically, another 28% increase in 2014 to 2387 which would represent a 60% increase from today's level.) Words: 600; Charts: 3

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America’s Master Class Has Taken U.S. By the Throat! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Thanks to the endless barrage of feel-good propaganda that daily assaults the American mind the citizens have no idea how disastrous the country’s fiscal, monetary and economic problems truly are nor do they perceive the rapidly increasing risk of a totalitarian nightmare descending upon the American Republic. Below, we outline America’s troubling and compounding predicament, and urge you to think about how to protect yourself from its consequences, both financially and personally.

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The Paradox of QE: If It Is Successful the Federal Reserve Will Fail & Plunge U.S. Into New Fiscal and Political Crises

[There is a major downside to] quantitative easing; it isn't free. There is a cost to the Fed's policy and the bill will be past due when the economy recovers and interest rates rise. Congress will then realize that the Federal Reserve System is the biggest financial black hole in the history of mankind [and that] the tab may be big enough to blow the Federal budget and plunge Washington into a new fiscal and political crisis. Words: 870

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Nouriel Roubini: 5 Downside Risks to Global Economy Are Gathering Force

...[F]iscal austerity will envelop most advanced economies this year, rather than just the eurozone periphery and the United Kingdom. Indeed, austerity is spreading to the core of the eurozone, the United States, and other advanced economies (with the exception of Japan). Given synchronized fiscal retrenchment in most advanced economies, another year of mediocre growth could give way to outright contraction in some countries. Words: 780

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Consumer Indebtedness Leading to Currency Devaluation & Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Economic Policies

The current move up over the past 4 years is being driven by the Fed's loose monetary policies (just as other global markets have been driven by their Central Banks). Most bulls believe the loose polices will stimulate enough consumer demand to lead to a significant U.S. economic recovery. We, however, continue to believe the debt - laden consumer, along with the still other unresolved debt burdens, will be a major drag on the U.S. economy, (we are convinced that the market will turn down and make a triple top at levels below the peaks made in 2000 and 2007 while we resume the secular bear market that started in 2000) and that will have negative affects on the global economy.

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Major Inflation Can Either Destroy You OR Make You a Fortune – The Choice is Yours (2K Views)

We know that state-run central banks ALWAYS try to inflate their way out of debt [because, quite] simply, it's the easiest way to make debt go away....Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner might call their inflationary measures by a different name - like quantitative easing - but the effect is the same [and,] make no mistake [about it,] these policies will destroy lives [on one hand, and make those in the know a small fortune on the other. This article explains the options].

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8 Key Dynamics Which Will Impact Us Over the Next 2-3 Years & Their Eventual Consequences (+2K Views)

Risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk [and, as such, the] policies that appear to have been successful for the past four years may continue to appear successful for a year or two longer but that very success comes at a steep, and as yet unpaid, price in suppressed systemic risk, cost, and consequence. [This article identifies 8] key dynamics that will continue to play out over the next two to three years [and an] understanding of the eventual consequence of such influential trends - that risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk. Words: 1299

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