Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Peak Oil

Crude Oil Supply, Demand and Price Projections are Flawed – Here's Why

When it comes to the future of oil, there is much speculation, but little hard analysis. You have the official line from the IEA that has oil prices stopping their abrupt rise and creeping up at a comfortable pace for the next 25 years. You have peak oilers shouting that we've run out of oil and the end is near. [Let's take an indepth] look at the various models and forecasts [and determine] what is logical, what is wild speculation, and what you should expect for oil prices in the coming years. Words: 1410

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Shale Oil Stocks Are On The Rise – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

World oil demand is...expected to surpass 115 million barrels per day in 2025 from only 91 million barrels per day today yet production in many countries is either waning or being consumed by the producing country. [In this article I identify those countries whose production is in decline, 2 countries who have increased production thanks to unique sources and how to invest accordingly.] Words: 595

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Hubbert: Peak Oil and the Coming Cultural Crisis

In 1956 Hubbert predicted that US oil peak [production] would be sometime between 1969 and 1971 for [which] he was ridiculed...[but it did precisely that - ] in 1970... Then, in 1974, he predicted [that] the world ] production of crude] oil [would] peak [around] 1998 [qualifying that projection by saying] that if OPEC were to restrict the supply, then the peak would be delayed by 10-15 years which would put it at 2008-2013, or exactly right. OK, now is anyone willing to make a bet that Hubbert's THIRD prophecy about the cultural crisis he expected is wrong? Didn't think so. Here it is [- and I include in the article several suggestions on how Hubbert's 3rd forecast might actually be averted were the powers to be agree to take drastic action, which is unlikely]. Words: 1369

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The Implications of Coming "Peak Copper" for America – and the World! (+3K Views)

About two years ago, I looked through a BHP Billiton presentation which listed the number of years remaining for particular commodities. It was not an analysis of “peak” commodities as such, just a report on when various commodities would be completely, 100% depleted based on current usage rates and reserve assumptions. Copper in that report was determined to be scarcer than oil! [What does that mean for the future well-being of the U.S. - and the world?] Words: 1380

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Peak Oil: What a Farce! (2K Views)

It wasn't supposed to be this way. By now, Peak Oil was supposed to be a fact of daily life. People were supposed to be lined up at gas stations, struggling to buy US$10-a-gallon gas. Solar and wind companies were supposed to occupy prominent places on the Big Board instead of going out of business right and left. People were supposed to have diminished expectations – resigned to shivering in the dark. Free markets, a flawed system of commerce, were to be exposed as a misleading theoretical construct, incapable of providing for people's needs...The world was running out of resources...Now, suddenly, there is a different tale to tell and the New York Times is up to the task. Up and down the Americas, we learn, there is an Oil Boom. Suddenly, we have gone from enforced austerity to an unheralded plenty. Middle East, watch out! [But all is not as it seems. Let me explain.] Words: 1440

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Peak Oil Is Still With Us – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

In a recent article called There Will Be Oil in the WSJ, Daniel Yergin once again attempts to debunk the concept of peak oil and sees global production capacity growing to 110 mmbpd by 2030, followed by slow decline. In this short report I take a quick look at his key arguments in an effort to bring further convergence between the peak oil and business-as-usual camps. [Unfortunately, I failed to do so concluding that Peak Oil is still very much with us. Let me explain.] Words: 2032

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Get Positioned: Oil & Uranium Going to Record Highs! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

As the world approaches ‘Peak Oil’ crude oil usage will begin to be rationed more and more and the world will turn to nuclear energy to meets its energy needs. As such, expect both oil and uranium to surpass their previous record levels of US$147 per barrel and US$140 per pound, respectively, within the next 2-3 years. Let me explain why. Words: 1446

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Nick Barisheff: These 6 Trends Will Drive The Price of Gold For Decades

This new video by and identifies and discusses: 3 mid-term trends that will drive the fiat price of gold to heights western economists can not even imagine and 3 irreversible trends that will result in further currency devaluation and major drivers in the price escalation of gold.

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Oil Prices Are Going Higher! Here's Why

Global crude oil production has plateaued at 74 million barrels per day. However, now that economies are recovering, consumption levels are back on the rise [and] the result will be an inevitable rise in oil prices. Words: 717

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