Why isn’t gold going through the roof? This article looks at the common arguments why it should and the realities as to why it isn't.
Read More »Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences (+2K Views)
Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595
Read More »Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences
Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595
Read More »There Would Be Pain – and a Silver Lining – to $200 Oil! Here’s Why (2K Views)
U.S. imports of oil have skyrocketed from 28% 30 years ago to 49% in 2010 [and if the price of crude oil were to skyrocket it would have devastating effects on the economy but be advantagous to the savvy investor. Let me explain.] Words: 368
Read More »John Williams: U.S. Edging Closer to Collapse
At present, the underlying fundamentals could not be much worse for the U.S. dollar. Beyond trade, the key factors, relative to other major currencies, could not be much worse. Despite any political and financial hype in the markets, the U.S. economy is relatively weaker, interest rates are lower, inflation is higher and fiscal policy and political stability all are relatively much worse than are seen relative to the other major currencies.
Read More »Bank of Canada Report Suggests Economic Situation is Dire and Could Deteriorate Rapidly! (+2K Views)
One typically doesn’t look to government bureaucracies to receive hard-nosed, objective discussions on the economy so you can magine my surprise when the latest Financial System Review, published semi-annually by the Bank of Canada, landed in my inbox and I discovered that it contained a very sobering look at Canada’s economy and the many systemic risks the country is facing! It’s not surprising that this report was not picked up by the main stream news, because if they did the popular opinion of Canada’s invincible, recession-proof economy might begin to crumble. [Let me explain.] Words: 2400
Read More »Yes, the Debit Crisis Could Spread To The U.S.! Here's Why
[Unfortunately,] for the U.S....its budget deficit is growing in spite of the fact revenues into the treasury continue to grow...Given the low level of interest rates on the Treasury's debt it would not take much of an interest rate spike in the U.S. to negatively impact the government's budget. [So, in reply to the unspoken question on everyone's mind, "Yes, the debit crisis could most definitely spread to the U.S." Let me explain further.] Words: 633
Read More »NOW is the Best Time to Buy Gold Stocks! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The precious metals correction is here. Gold and silver are down... and gold and silver stocks, as should be expected, are down even more but...have been hit much harder than they should have been. As a result, right NOW is the best time [we have seen] to buy gold stocks in more than two years and they’re poised to make another run of 30% in the next few months. Here’s why. Words: 767
Read More »Look! Gold’s Performance is NOT Related to the U.S. Dollar (+2K Views)
Investors of all stripes must now be aware both of the bull market in gold/silver and the bear market in the U.S. dollar. Despite all of the rhetoric, however, it seems that little is actually understood about how these two phenomena are actually connected. Ultimately, this connection (or lack thereof) has serious implications for both markets. [Let's examine the situation more closely.] Words: 778
Read More »What the 1970’s Performance of Gold, Silver and USD Says About Tomorrow (+2K Views)
Many lessons can be gleaned from history and, while no two periods are identically alike, there are often many similarities to learn from. The current period, for example, is often compared to the Great Depression in regards to unprecedented government action as well as with the 1970s in regards to trends in commodities and inflation. [Let's take a closer look.] Words: 1165
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