Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: gold silver

I Will Not Turn Bullish On Gold Until 1 of 2 Things Happen

My forecast — despite all the hate mail and pressure I get to change it — has not changed. Based on my systems and models, I will not turn bullish on gold until either spot gold has closed above $1,823 an ounce on a weekly and monthly basis - or gold cracks the $1,527 level and plunges to the $1,400 level or a tad lower. I know that’s not what you want to hear. I know that you are as eager as I am to see the next leg of gold’s bull market begin....[but its] time to shine is not here yet. It will come again so stay the course, build up your ammo, and be ready to pull the trigger when I issue a headline like “Back Up the Truck, NOW!”

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