Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: employment

10 Signs It’s Time to Change Jobs (+3K Views)

Most everyone hopes their current job will lead to bigger and better positions but if, along the way, you experience any one of the ten signs discussed in this article then it's time to look elsewhere for such opportunities. Words: 710

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Talk of Jobs Coming Back Courtesy of the Fed is Ridiculous! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Despite the preponderance of evidence that money printing doesn’t create jobs, Bernanke and his Central Bank colleagues continue to perpetuate the myth that the recovery is just around the corner, as long as we continue to print money. It’s complete and utter insanity as all it will accomplish is bankrupting the U.S. resulting in higher costs of living - and lower quality of life - for all of us. [Let me explain why I believe that is the case.]

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Fact #5: 44% of Jobless Are Unemployed Longer Than 6 Months!

This is the 5th in a series of 100 useful facts about big issues facing American voters which are being presented by every day until the election to help Americans debunk myths, hold better conversations, get involved, and make choices as smarter citizens. Today's facts are related to Jobs and the Economy.

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