Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Silver Will Soon Move Suddenly & Shockingly Higher – Here’s Why (+62K Views)

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I am convinced that silver will soon explode in price in a10 Ounce Silver Bullion Bars manner of unprecedented proportions, both in terms of previous silver rallies and relative to all other commodities. By unprecedented, I mean that the price of silver will move suddenly and shockingly higher in a manner never witnessed previously, including the great price run ups in 1980 and 2011. The highest prior price level of $50 will quickly be exceeded.

By “soon”, I mean that the move can commence at any time, but more likely before many weeks or months have gone by. I know that the price of silver has been declining on a daily basis nonstop for some time now, itself an unprecedented move, but I also know the reason for the decline and how the sharply improved COMEX market structure has always guaranteed a rally in a reasonable period of time. The only question is whether on the next silver price rally will JPMorgan add aggressively to its COMEX short positions. I’m suggesting JPMorgan is not likely to add to short positions on the next rally.@Gold&Silver

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At the heart of the unprecedented move higher in the price of silver is the manner in which it will occur. It will be a price move like no other. It will be the greatest short covering rally in history. That’s guaranteed because the COMEX silver short position is the largest and most concentrated short position in history. There is no buying force in the financial markets more powerful than panicky buying by those forced to cover short positions. The largest short position ever holds the potential for the greatest short covering rally ever.

For more than 30 years, COMEX silver futures have had the largest short position of any commodity in terms of real world production and inventories. Yet while silver prices have had some notable rallies over the decades, none have included a genuine short covering panic. In fact, the uniquely large and concentrated nature of the COMEX silver short position (meaning it is held by just a few traders) is the mechanism by which silver has been manipulated in price all these years.

The concentrated short position in COMEX silver futures and the price manipulation are one and the same. All price manipulations must come to an end. In silver that means that at some point the concentrated COMEX short position no longer increases, but instead gets covered for the first time on rising prices. The main reason is a subtle yet distinct change in the composition of the big concentrated short position in COMEX silver.

JPMorgan has amassed a physical stockpile of silver of at least 600 million ounces by my calculations at an average cost of around $20 an ounce, all while continuing to make hundreds of millions of dollars in manipulative COMEX short selling. This epic accumulation has changed the composition of the concentrated COMEX short position more than any single factor.

No longer is the largest COMEX silver short subject to extreme financial damage should silver prices explode. Instead, JPMorgan has pulled off the accumulation of the largest silver hoard in world history on declining prices. The bank has never been better positioned for a silver price explosion. In other words, there has never been a better time, from the selfish perspective of JPMorgan, for the price of silver to rip higher or a worse time for the other big shorts and the recent deliberate price takedown has further reduced JPMorgan’s COMEX short position, greatly enhancing the prospects that JPMorgan won’t be adding to its COMEX short position whenever the next silver rally gets rolling.

Should JPMorgan not add to its COMEX short position on the coming silver price rally, then it will be only a matter of time before the remaining big COMEX shorts wake up to the fact that they are toast. By “a matter of time” I am referring to days and weeks.

When silver prices rise sufficiently, the remaining shorts will panic and begin to try to cover their short positions. This buying will send silver prices skyward and then touch off all sorts of other buying, including investment buying and then industrial user buying, perhaps the most potent buying of all. The best analogy I can come up with is an atomic bomb on top of a hydrogen bomb on top of a neutron bomb… has joined to provide you with individual company research articles and specific stock recommendations in addition to munKNEE’s more general informative articles on the economy, the markets, and gold, silver and cannabis investing.
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  1. Vicky Tagliaferro Scicluna

    Hello, I am new to Trading…Please, I wish to know if Silver is going up again?
    Is it going to stay like this for some time?

  2. Thank you for sharing this insightful analysis on silver’s potential to make a sudden and significant move upwards. Your reasoning is well-supported and provides a clear understanding of the factors driving silver’s future performance. It’s always great to see informed perspectives on the precious metals market, and your post has certainly provided valuable insights for investors and enthusiasts alike.

  3. Nice Article Silver is a good investment and also a risk-free investment. You can buy silver online also; nowadays, there are many trusted Dealera Like Apmex and Sd bullion, and recently I bought from BOLD Precious Metals, where I got a good price compared to other dealers.At Last, if you want to diversify you investment, be sure to invest in silver

  4. I remember that huge Hunt Bros rally back around
    1980 ? I was in college, and had the summer off.
    Being already a coin collector, I called my local
    coin dealer to ascertain what they were paying on
    silver coins. I made over $14K in less than 3 mths!
    I just went to all banks in my region and bought tons
    of rolls. Sure wish we can still do that now!!!

  5. I became aware of silver after the 2008 financial crisis. I then purchased some physical silver and have since listened to this for the past 12 years.

    I remember May of 2011 quite well.

    Never had I seen anything like the slam down that occurred. It seem to make no sense. Well, and then they slammed the crypto market. I’m not a day trader so I still sit with the physical silver that I bought all the way up to $50 and back down.

    This has all shown me, that when an evil entity gains control of printing money, the rules that apply to them are different then the rules that apply to you and me. Clearly most everyone now sees that with the law as well. One is subject to whatever they decide, regardless. To think otherwise can be very frustrating and dangerous.

    When the locust devour the field, silver or gold will be unable to save many from starvation, but it may give some a fighting chance.

    Now is the time to buy or gain possession of, so you have it to barter.

    Silver is part of my personal plan. I have prayed to God that He provide a way that I can keep from taking on the mark of the beast and survive until His return.

    With that, plans can change. I refuse to take their mark in order to buy or sell.

    I hope you prepare to do the same.

    Silver is the way I have prepared.

    • silver is God’s money – the old shekel was 1 oz of silver – like you I’ll “go with God”

  6. Mister Butler only has to be right, once, for his opinion to be validated for all time. And he will be
    in the decades that I’ve paid attention to the price of silver, it’s gone from $ 1.80 US $ to $18. Show me another investment with that % increase, with no downside?! And the potential to do it again times 10

  7. Estaba buscando esta aclaracion hace mucho edad en internet y
    no la encontraba. Estoy de concierto con lo que indicas.
    Gracias es un gran aporte. Saludos.

  8. Silver and gold have I very little but I have something Greater ???

  9. It all sounds so logical and so imminent.
    Does anyone realize that Ted Butler wrote this on June 2, 2017 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It’s a question of when not if it happens. Your point is?

  11. How many years has butler been saying this!!!!!!