Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Under 30? My Christmas Gift Could Make You Happier, Freer & More Financially Secure – Interested? (+2K Views)

If you’re reading this and under 30, let me be absolutely clear about one indubitable point: your government is going to sacrifice your future in order to pay for its own mistakes from the past. [If that kind of future does not sit well with you] then get out of Dodge. Stop playing by the same rules of the game that used to work in the past because the old playbook of “go to school, get a good job, work your way up the ladder” simply doesn’t apply anymore.

[This article outlines what is being laid out as your future unless you take independent action and, in conclusion, outlines suggestions on how to make a better life for yourself. Feel free to share this article with one and all – and the video at the end of the article.]

Prepared by Lorimer Wilson, editor of – Your KEY To Making Money! 

[This synopsis of edited excerpts* (927) from the original article by Simon Black provides you with a much FASTER – and EASIER – read. Please note: This complete paragraph, and a link back to the original article, must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.]

Refuse to be enslaved by the idea that it’s your civic and moral responsibility to pay off the debts of your government’s failures. Cast off the yoke of their control… and summon the courage to live a life by your own design. The path to prosperity in the Age of Turmoil depends on this ability to reject the old system, declare your economic independence, and carve your own path.

Under 30s – You Will Experience Brunt of  Financial Ramifications

Younger folks have comparatively lower incomes, benefits, job opportunities, and political clout than their seniors, yet they are increasingly expected to assume a disproportionately larger burden of the consequences of government folly.

  • It’s the younger generation that is called on to go fight and die in pointless wars in faraway lands;
  • it’s the younger generation that is forced to assume the debts of their forefathers; and
  • it’s the younger generation that gets relegated to the back rows of the political amphitheater and dismissed by the establishment.

Meanwhile, retirees aren’t seeing massive benefits cuts, and middle-aged wage earners income earners are being protected from above by politicians.

Under 30s – This is What Life Has In Store For You

Let’s take a minute and look at the looming fate of the average young person today:

  1. Your government-run university tuition is going to go through the roof, saddling you with unfathomable debt before you even enter the world as an adult;
  2. Once you graduate, you’ll be the last in the hiring queue;
  3. If you do get hired, you’ll be the lowest on the totem pole and the first to be let go when tough times befall your business;
  4. Once the labor market eventually stabilizes, you’ll enter your prime earning years with some of the highest tax rates ever seen as your government continues to cannibalize your generation to pay off its largess and indebted entitlement programs that benefited older generations;
  5. For your entire working life, you’ll pay into a pension system that is going to be bankrupt by the time you’re qualified to draw on it;
  6. More than likely, you’ll never achieve the standard of living that your parents achieved;
  7. Whatever wealth your parents accumulated won’t be left to you– the bulk of it will be confiscated by the state (unless your folks were smart enough to plant multiple flags) due to a host of death taxes.

If you’re in the millennial Facebook generation, this is going to be the standard storyline of your peers. The system that’s in place right now– the failed cycle of debt and consumption fed by continuous government intervention– has stuck you with the bill.

Under 30s – Here’s How to Make the Most of  YOUR Life

Fortunately, there’s a silver lining (as always). Younger people are generally less anchored and more mobile than their elders, hence it’s much easier to opt out of this perverse system.

If you’re angry that your government is saddling you with the responsibility to pay off generations of bad decisions, then:

  1. …Stop playing by the same rules of the game that used to work in the past– the old playbook of “go to school, get a good job, work your way up the ladder” simply doesn’t apply anymore.
  2. Don’t stick around a society that has completely forsaken you and is waiting with knife and fork in hand to carve up your earnings once you finally enter the labor market… get out of Dodge now, while it’s easy to do and you have little to risk.
  3. Go explore the world and get an education based on experience, not expensive academic theory. Seek opportunities in thriving, frontier markets overseas… places like Kurdistan, Mongolia, Botswana, Kazakhstan. Soak up the local intelligence and become the grease guy on the ground who can make things happen.
  4. Find people whose lifestyles you want to emulate and make yourself indispensable to them as an apprentice… this will be the only time in your life that you can afford to work for nothing in exchange for a valuable, first-hand education.
  5. Most of all, stop playing by everyone else’s rules. Refuse to be enslaved by the idea that it’s your civic and moral responsibility to pay off the debts of your government’s failures. Cast off the yoke of their control… and summon the courage to live a life by your own design.

In conclusion, refuse to be enslaved by the idea that it’s your civic and moral responsibility to pay off the debts of your government’s failures. Cast off the yoke of their control… and summon the courage to live a life by your own design. The path to prosperity in the Age of Turmoil depends on your ability to reject the old system, declare your economic independence, and carve your own path.

[Rick Santelli seconds the above thoughts (or is it the other way round) in a video entitled Rick Santelli to Generation Y: Wake Up! that, according to Monty Pelerin (, “explains to younger people how they have been trapped into a life of debt by prior generations and how the government tries to hook them into the Ponzi scheme. A very simple explanation that should be shown to every high school and college student. Don’t fall for the Ponzi Scheme!” [Source:]
(*The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.)

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  1. It seems to me that this is where the determined past meets the indeterminate future. All this MAY be factual, based on what we know about the past …and what we can assume about a future that is a consequence of the past, but there’s no way of knowing for sure. If all things remain on the same trajectory, yes. But Covid has been a monkey wrench tossed into the gears. If the die-off goes as planned it will be a labor-depleted planet…with everything in shorter supply. Who knows but what opportunities will abound? Who know what new technologies will be coming forth and what they’ll do to global economies? Inflation may affect some things more than others, and some areas and some consumers more than others. We don’t know how governments might be forced to change….forced to be citizen centered. I think there will be great and awesome changes in
    economies and societies and governments, but not necessarily the ones focused on here. One thing’s for sure, earthlings are going to have to be much more flexible than ever before…but humans have survived because they’re adaptable, and adaptable because they’re creative. The creative ones have always led the way into every future…and they will continue to lead into the next.

  2. If the British and European, US and Canadian govts wish austerity on their citizenry then the govt should stop ignoring them on the 2-10% of their population that are immigrants receiving govt welfare (cash, food, housing, medical care, dental care, transportation, cell phone, clothing, furniture, education, etc) 90% of AFRICAN and MUSLIM immigrants DO NOT WORK and have NOT WORKED IN GENERATIONS and HAVE NO INTENTION OF ASSIMILATING OR WORKING.

    Don’t you think the borders should be closed and immigrants on social welfare programs should be cut off prior to asking others to deal with austerity. Take care of your own people first!