Sunday , 28 April 2024

Search Results for: economic collapse

How the Ongoing U.S. Economic Collapse Compares to the U.S.S.R. Experience (+3K Views)

Dmitry Orlov's repeated travels to Russia throughout the early nineties allowed him to observe the aftermath of the Soviet collapse first-hand. Being both a Russian and an American, Dmitry was able to appreciate both the differences and the similarities between the two superpowers. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the United States is going the way of the Soviet Union and has concluded that when the U.S. economy collapses, it is bound to be much worse - and permanent - because the factors that allowed Russia and the other former Soviet republics to recover are not present here. Words: 3730; Slides: 28

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U.S. Can’t Escape the Mess It’s In Without a Complete Economic Collapse! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The last several decades of governmental economic policy has seen wealth destruction. Such policies are analogous to the government heating its home by burning the furniture. Burning furniture might get you through a few winters, but unless it is replaced eventually there is nowhere to sit and no fuel for next winter. Fortunately our ancestors were industrious and frugal, creating a lot of furniture. We stayed warm for a long time as a result, but the furniture is disappearing. Words: 970

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Monty Pelerin: Economic Collapse Coming to U.S. & Other Industrialized Nations of the World! Here’s Why (+3K Views)

Those dependent on the welfare state are unaware that their benefits are not sustainable. Most believe tomorrow will be like today and the checks will keep coming from Mother Government. Political power was gained based on promising these benefits. No politician will risk his position by trying to reduce them. No democratic society has ever rolled them back via peaceful political means. [At worst,] the economy and society could end up in ashes [and, at best,] the world is in for a long period of stagnation, retrogression and conflict. [Let me explain more fully.] Words: 1115

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These 25 Videos Warn of Impending Economic Collapse & Chaos (+2K Views)

The internet is awash (drowning?) in hundreds of doom and gloom videos providing dire warnings of coming world depression, food shortages, rioting in the streets, rampant (hyper) inflation, deepening banking crisis, economic apocalypse, financial Armageddon, the demise of America – well, you get the idea. Below is a small sample of such videos with a hyperlink to each.

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U.S. Can NOT Avoid Coming Economic Collapse – No Matter What! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The U.S. government is spending more than a trillion dollars more than it takes in every year...[which] all gets into the pockets of ordinary Americans [who,] in turn,...use that money to pay the mortgage, buy food, shop at the mall, etc. - creating a "false prosperity" bubble that is not real. It may feel real to you right now, but it is unsustainable...We are living in the greatest debt bubble the world has ever seen and, as such, a devastating economic collapse is on the horizon no matter what we do [so] don't let this false prosperity and this "calm before the storm" fool you...There is going to be a massive amount of pain so you might want to get yourself and your family prepared for that. [Let me explain.] Words: 1211

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