Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Noonan: How Long Will These Low Prices In Gold & Silver Continue? (+2K Views)

How long these low prices in gold and silver will continue is the ever pressing question on the minds of the gold 171686-gold-silver-barsand silver community and topic of so many articles written by the experts. While many have striven to provide an answer, and 2013 failed to match the “predictions” as to the “When?” issue, the best answer is: For as long as it takes. Here’s why.

The above are edited excerpts from an article* by Michael Noonan (edgetraderplus.com) entitled Gold And Silver – Central Bank Manipulation Or Chinese Accomodation? Both..

The following article is presented by Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!) and the FREE Market Intelligence Report newsletter (sample here) and has been edited, abridged and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Noonan goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

Back in January and February, it become apparent that the highly anticipated huge rally for PMs was going to take longer than most expected. In April, we wrote an article that 2014 Could Be Yawner and there is no reason not to carry that notion further into 2015 before gold and silver begin to challenge their $1900 and $50 respective high price levels.

The one thing certain is that no one, absolutely no one, can provide an accurate time-table for when PMs will trade at much higher levels. 2013 should be a reminder of the many who endeavored to fix a date and all of whom failed. It is utter nonsense to think anyone can accurately divine the future. The good news is that we do not need to actually know the “When?” All that matters is to be prepared for the eventuality.

If you are prepared, then you will have accomplished one of the most important responsibilities for wealth protection, preservation and growth as a means for survival. Instead of watching the Precious Metals Rally clock, an exercise in exasperation, so far, better to be secure in the knowledge that you have done what you need to do, and instead, start to relax and learn to enjoy more out of life.

If events are triggered that propel PMs higher, or even substantially higher next month, next Quarter, or next year, if you are prepared, you will be a winning participant! Once, and as it happens, you will feel a sense of relief for having waited so long, and a sense of accomplishment for having prepared. If you have not fully prepared, you have a tenuous gift in both time and price in which to act as quickly as possible.  The time to act and be better prepared is now, and at prices you and your children, and your children’s children will not likely ever see again.

Those who are disheartened because events have not occurred in the time sequence that was hoped for are missing the point. This is not a get-rich-quick scenario confronting almost all of us. This is a matter of survival. All anyone can do is prepare. One does not eat well and exercise to live longer, one does both to be in the best possible health to live each new day. As it happens, those who watch their intake and take care of their physical health to enjoy daily living also tend to live longer, as an added reward.


  • Physical PM shortages,
  • depleted physical for delivery on exchanges,
  • record buying by the public, world-wide,
  • record buying by China,
  • corrupt central banker price manipulation,
  • government theft or confiscation,
  • unlimited derivative exposure,
  • existing demand for the physical that far outstrips available known supply,
  • unlimited printing of fiat that can only result in currency destruction,
  • civil unrest in many countries, any one of which could lead to a wider war,
  • plus a litany of unknowns that can be important.
[All of the above]… have already been factored into the current prices for gold and silver, and any one of these events, or a more potent combination of them acting in unison can drive up the price of PMs but have not, to date. This is what you need to know. Whatever it is that will launch gold and silver higher has not yet occurred. Many of the “Whatever it is” are already known factors, but their influence/effect has not yet been unleashed.

Yes, if the manipulation stopped, PMs would rally immediately, but the event that puts a halt to the manipulation has not happened, so that part of the suppression of gold and silver remains in play. For how long can it continue? Again, for as long as it takes. Does anyone have a better answer? (Not that better answers cannot be had.) For those who do not know the answer, the solution, or at least one good solution, is being prepared.

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There is another issue not talked about and that is the seeming failure of the elites who “appear” to be forced to sell their gold. The very foundation of the Rothschild formula is the acquisition of (mostly) gold, and also silver, in exchange for debt-based currency.
There has not been a smarter collection of individuals, (or more devious and destructive), that comprise the Rothschild-founded central banking system.

It would seem odd that such an astute and all-powerful-behind-the-scenes-force as the elites would find themselves in such a compromised situation to no longer have any, or very little gold and silver left. It seems equally unimaginable that the elites could be so stupid if they have put themselves in such a weakened state. It is a possibility, and one of such incredible and fitting irony, if true.

What keeps them in power is the built-in structure they have accumulated in every major Western government under their control, which also includes the potent military, and the media to keep the masses dumbed down. The perverted transition of the United States from a sovereign Republic, with an organic Constitution that limits government, to an elite central banker-controlled, bankrupt corporation, known as the federal UNITED STATES, with its substituted federal statutory constitution that replaced the original, is the premier example of how the elites work through stealth, and over decades as their time frame, to accomplish their vile ends.

Whatever one chooses to believe, one still has to deal with the known facts, and what is factually known to date is that gold is at $1,300 (not $1,500, not $2,000, and certainly not $5,000 or $10,000) per troy ounce, and silver is at $19 (not $26, not $50, and for sure, not $100 or $300) per troy ounce.

However corrupt or not reflective of the “real price” for PMs, the charts continue to be the most commonly accepted measure, at least for now. [For the latest such charts please check out my charts here.]

Regardless of what one chooses to be the most accurate or reliable measure, there can be no dispute that preparation for what is to come is the best way to deal with “When?”

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.


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