Thursday , 6 March 2025

New ISIS video announces return of the “Gold Dinar” (+3K Views)

This past weekend the Islamic State’s so called media center, the al Hayat, released a video announcing that it is in the process of taking on the Fed itself with ‘the return of the gold dinar.'”

The above comments, and those below, have been edited by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) for the sake of clarity ([ ]) and brevity (…) to provide a fast and easy read. The contents of this post have been excerpted from an article* by Tyler Durden as posted originally on under the title Austrian Economics Is Now Equivalent To Terrorism Thanks To Latest Islamic State “Gold Standard” Propaganda Clip and which can be read in its unabridged format  HERE. (This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.) 


The Rise of the Khilafah and the Return of the… by golddinar

As Bloomberg reminds us, the Islamic State’s Shura Council last year tasked its Beit al Mal, or treasury, with minting the coins, which come in several denominations made of gold, silver and copper.

While Bloomberg notes that “since the Islamic State is classified as a terrorist group, the coins can’t be traded legally” the point of the propaganda video is not to promote ISIS coinage, which will never exist, but, rather, to pitch an anti-Fed, anti-fractional reserve, pro-gold standard ideology, and make it equivalent to the evil terrorist thoughts spread by the Islamic Jihadist group.

Just like that, Austrian Economics has been reduced to a terrorist ideology, and anyone harboring the same “evil” misconceptions as those spread by the “Islamic State’s” media propaganda outlet have become an enemy of the U.S. state.


One comment

  1. RE: “the point of the propaganda video is not to promote ISIS coinage, which will never exist, but, rather, to pitch an anti-Fed, anti-fractional reserve, pro-gold standard ideology, and make it equivalent to the evil terrorist thoughts spread by the Islamic Jihadist group.”

    Attacking the US$ is yet another “front” that this group and others will seek to explore, since they cannot compete in a traditional war with the US or its allies.

    The financial “front” is not the only one being fought, by creating a huge number of refugees, they are now populating all the surrounding Countries with poor muslim refugees that will be a drain on local economies that will be trying to help these people in their time of need. It must be said that some of the richer Middle eastern countries have not allow any of the Refugees to enter their Counties which makes one wonder whose side all these Rich Countries are really on, since they are not only turning their back on other Muslims but are actively engaged in creating additional refugees by bombing the refugees homelands.