Friday , 14 March 2025

"Monty Pelerin’s" Best At Cutting Through the Economic Noise


No one cuts through the economic noise better than the writer who posts articles under the pseudonym “Monty Pelerin” – so much so that the 30 posted on have, on average, received more reads than any of the 1,700 others on the site. His articles are all timely (and some even timeless) in nature so, in case you missed one or two along the way, below is a link to a page that highlights each of his articles on the site with a descriptive introductory paragraph to each article. I dare you to read just one!

By: Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!).

I have thoroughly enjoyed the daily 5-10 hours I have spent over the last 36 months searching the internet for the most informative articles and then editing them for posting on but I’m finally taking some time off.

I leave on a 30 day trip to China beginning next week and likely will not be posting very many articles during that period. I hope to have a number of guest contributors fill the void during that time so stay tuned.

Here is a link to the introductory paragraphs of each of the 30 articles

Sample Articles by “Monty”:

1. The U.S. Economy is Going to Collapse…It is Unavoidable…It’s a Mathematical Certainty…Here’s Why


The level of debt has surpassed the possibilities of being serviced. Mathematically, the debt problem cannot be solved, regardless of economic policies. That, unfortunately, is written. For it to be serviceable would be to violate the laws of mathematics and that cannot happen. [As such, America is quickly approaching a catastrophic economic collapse. As repelling as that sounds, it’s in your own best interest to learn just how bad the situation is. This article is an attempt to do just that.] Words: 310

 2. Update: This Video – Now Viewed by 1,323,000 – Explains Why Economic Collapse of U.S. Is Inevitable!


This short video – on the unsustainability of government spending – should be watched by everyone, including those not yet old enough to vote. It should be shown in every high school and college classroom. Anyone that cannot understand this presentation should not be allowed out without a guardian.

3. Nothing Can Be Done to Avoid Coming World-wide Depression! Here’s Why


Governments everywhere are becoming more distressed and desperate as economic realities dominate the political doublespeak. The world is at a dangerous point. Much of what we thought we knew and assumed regarding governmental behavior and economics is beginning to be reassessed. Governments of the world are out of money and out of ideas. The ponzi scam that has been perpetrated for over fifty years is collapsing under its own weight. There are not enough suckers and capital left to sustain the fraud. [Let me explain further.] Words: 999

4. Further QE Would Amount to _issing in the Wind! Here’s Why


“… those who are waiting for the Fed cavalry to ride over the hill and rescue the economy are doomed to disappointment….The banks are awash in loanable funds, businesses are cash-rich and opportunity-poor, and interest rates are already so low that lower still will not attract borrowing….More liquidity is unlikely to impart more impetus to the sluggish economy…. Congress and the President should not count on the Fed to bail them out of their mistakes…. Central banks are unable to help in the face of persistently flawed economic policies.”

5. Which Will Cause the Coming Depression? Inflation or Deflation?


The coming economic collapse (Depression) is inevitable but the route taken to this ending is uncertain. The road has parallel routes, either a deflationary collapse or a hyperinflationary collapse. Which route is taken depends upon government so, which will it be? Words: 1350

6. The $64 Trillion Question Is: “When and How Does the Debt Death Spiral End?”


We are in the latter stages of the debt death spiral where debt and interest payments can only be made by adding more debt. This process has a sure ending. Like the flush of a toilet, the spiral goes faster and faster until it finally ends. [Let me put forth just how serious the problem is.] Words: 431

7. What Will the Outcome of All the QE Mean for the U.S. (and the World)?


At the risk of looking/sounding like some crazed religious fanatic usually seen carrying a sign or proclaiming: “Repent, the end is near,” I shall avoid the word “repent”. To me, the rest of that proclamation appears accurate and reasonable, at least with regard to our economic condition. [Let me explain:] Words: 1896

8. Regardless of Who Wins in November the U.S. Is Going Over the Financial Cliff! It’s Just a Matter of Time – Here’s Why

financial cliff

The outcome of the election of 2012 will [only] determine the rate of speed at which we approach the [financial] cliff [because] neither political alternative is willing to change course, to steer away from the cliff. The cliff is so high that whether we go over it at 200 mph (Obama) or whether we merely slip over the edge (Romney), the end result is the same — fatal for the economy and perhaps our entire political system. It is the fall that will kill us. [This article explains why that is going to be the case.] Words: 1135

9. Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences


Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but…unless deficits are dramatically reduced…. interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595

10. Is Now the Time to Acquire Gold – Or Run Away From It?


Is this the time to acquire gold? Or is this the time to run away from it? Either answer could be correct, depending upon what course government chooses. Government is at a decision point, one that will determine how our economic malaise next turns. [Let’s review their choices.] Words: 922

11. Why, Pray Tell, Would I Want to Own Gold??

gold and currencies

Comments I have made that “when this [financial crisis] finally ends the big winners are apt to be the ones who have lost the least purchasing power. Keeping score in nominal dollars is likely to be meaningless. Gold tends to hold its purchasing power regardless of what happens to fiat currency.” have prompted questions about a) how to achieve such purchasing power with physical gold when this stage is reached, b) how to go about buying things with gold coins and c) how gold would be utilized under the assumption that a barter system would develop when dollars become worthless. [Let me explain.] Words: 700

12. No Fiscal Changes Coming Soon – or Ever – to U.S.! Here’s Why


The ending in the U.S. will be similar to that in Greece. It is assured for the same reasons. The Democrats will lose the 2012 election…and the Republicans will control government for the next two years. Whatever enthusiasm initially exists will dissipate as soon as the polls show how unpopular austerity is. If they try to cut spending, they will suffer the same fate as the European Austerians. [Let me explain.] Words: 1116

13. The U.S. May Engineer A “Soft Default” – Here’s Why and How


When government is wounded, trapped and desperate, it lashes out like a wild animal. Survival in the political class is just as strong a drive as it is in the wilderness. I don’t know how government will lash out, but you are likely to see laws, restrictions and behavior you never imagined….Washington has demonstrated it will “print money” in whatever quantities necessary to stave off a sovereign bankruptcy and a Great Depression but this strategy cannot work forever because existing debt is already too high to be serviced. It is only a matter of time before the U.S. economy succumbs – unless it engineers a ‘soft default’ [which will save it’s ass and get you shafted! Let me explain.] Words: 1394

 14. U.S. Financial Crisis Makes Future Rioting In The Streets An Almost Certain Outcome! Here’s Why


The U.S. government has put us between the proverbial ‘rock and a hard place’. Cutting spending to improve our country’s financial situation would surely trigger rioting in the streets by those Americans most adversely affected yet not cutting spending will trigger much higher inflation – even hyperinflation – which will also result in rioting….Government cannot control how this ends. They may be able to tinker with the timing a bit and they still have the choice of poisons with which to destroy the country, [but] that the country is gone, that is no longer alterable. Words: 930

15. Will U.S. Gov’t Eventually Mandate that ‘x’ % of IRA/401K Funds Be In Treasuries?


The notion of government raiding personal retirement accounts for funds may seem extreme…but other governments have done it. Argentina did in 2008, Ireland has indicated it might [and the U.S. might well do so as it’s] financial crisis worsens. This article puts forth reasons why it is possible they would undertake such a grab or ‘confiscation’ of your retirement accounts and how they likely would go about implementing such an event. Words: 700

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