Sunday , 16 March 2025

Katchum’s Korner Catch-all: Unique Analyses of the Economy, Financial Markets and Gold/Silver/Diamonds

There are literally thousands of economic blogs out there and most don’t have much to offer. One exception is a blog by “Katchum” that is dedicated to monitoring breaking global economic news on a day to day basis and, as such, provides unique insights into, and analysis of, various aspects of the financial markets, commodities and the economies of the world. Take a look in this post at  some of his recent analyses.

So writes Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive eyes).

If you like what you read below please sign up to receive our 5 times a week “Intelligence Report” containing introductions to every new article and/or video posted on the site that day. If you are not inclined to subscribe to newsletters then please “Follow the munKNEE” via Facebook or twitter for direct access to every new article posted.

(If you like what you read below please Subscribe to Katchum’s macro-economic blog; Albert Sung (aka Katchum) is also an accomplish pianist and composer as well as financial analyst. Listen to an assortment (24) of his classical compostions here. You will be equally impressed.)

Without further delay, below are introductory paragraphs and hyperlinks to 9 articles representing just a sample of Katchum’s insightful and unique analyes as found in the Investing and Economy sections of the site.

1. Shipping Indexes Falling Dramatically – What Does That Mean?

container ship

The Baltic Dry Index is an index of dry shipping lease rates. It reflects how much it costs to rent a freighter for hauling non-liquid raw materials and it has dropped dramatically since the beginning of 2013. [What does that mean?]

2. Here Are THE Facts: Less Gov’t = Less Gov’t Spending = Less Taxes + Less Unemployment & a Stronger Economy


The mainstream media wants us to believe that government spending is good for employment [but my analysis shows exactly the opposite. As outlined below, it clearly demonstrates that]….countries with higher government involvement have higher government spending, higher personal income taxes, higher unemployment and a weaker economy as a consequence. [Below are the facts to back up those claims.] Words: 525; Charts: 4

3. Buffett’s Measure of Stock Market Health, the TMC-to-GNP Ratio, Conveys Concerns

Investing financial markets

Buffett’s measure – the percentage of total market cap (TMC) relative to the U.S. GNP crossed 100% last week into stretched territory for the first time since 2007 which implies a mere return of around 3.3% annualized (including dividends) over the following years. [This post presents the components of the ratio and the conclusions drawn.]

4. China Continues Buying Gold Like There Was No Tomorrow! Here Are the Impressive Numbers


China continues to buy gold with both hands, keeping up all the gold they produce and importing even more! Imports were up 50% in October vs. the previous month; up 68% in November and up 74% in December. What will January bring given the continued weakness in the price of gold? Probably even more buying!

5. Get Out of the U.S. Dollar and Buy Physical Gold Before It’s Too Late – Here’s Why


Evidence suggests that the “Zero Hour Debt” line has been reached. Get out of the U.S. dollar [U.S. treasuries] and buy physical gold [or equities] before it’s too late. It  is the only way to protect yourself against a massive U.S. dollar devaluation to come in the next few months. [Let me explain why that is the case.] Words: 719; Charts: 5

6. Katchum Comments on Gold, Silver & Recession


There are literally thousands of economic blogs out there and most don’t have much to offer. One exception is a blog by “Katchum” that is dedicated to monitoring breaking global economic news on a day to day basis and, as such, provides unique insights into, and analysis of, various aspects of the financial markets, commodities and the economies of the world. Below is his latest post. If you like it why not subscribe? Words: 642; Charts: 6

7. Here’s An Easy Way to Identify Gold & Gold Miner Market Tops and Bottoms


It’s amazing! Every day I learn something new. I have just come across a very powerful tool that identifies market tops and bottoms in both the gold price and the gold mining industry valuation. Let me share it with you. Words: 352; Charts: 4

8. Diamonds: The Best Stock to Take Advantage of Coming MUCH Higher Prices Is…


Everyone is talking about gold and silver these days, but nobody talks about diamonds. Let’s have a little peek inside this sector [and how to take full advantage of expected developments.] Words: 437

9. Housing Prices Expected to Rebound in 2013 – 2014 – Here’s Why


We are currently seeing bullish indicators regarding housing demand coupled with bearish indicators regarding housing prices. Let’s take a look at the past relationship between house demand and house prices and see what it suggests for the future in real estate prices. Words: 450

Remember: If you like what you read above please sign up to receive our 5 times a week “Intelligence Report” containing introductions to every new article and/or video posted on the site that day. If you are not inclined to subscribe to newsletters then please “Follow the munKNEE” via Facebook or twitter for direct access to every new article posted.