Wednesday , 22 January 2025

An Increasingly “Connected” Lifestyle Means Major Changes Coming

By the time you finish reading this infographic, 3,810 new things will be connected to the Internet – and wireless technology is a prime driver of this growth.  Check out the role that the Internet of Things is playing in our day-to-day lives to see some of the ways we are benefiting from increased connectivity.

The commentary below consists of edited excerpts from an article* by The infographic** was designed by

In fact, the future looks very different as we adopt to these technological trends. Already, 71% of Americans using wearable technology claim that it has improved their overall health and fitness. Imagine what will happen with more immersive analytics, a preventative mindset, more metrics of useful health functions, and integration into the health system.

The connected lifestyle means that there could be 500 devices in each home connected to the web by 2022. Every light bulb, lock, thermostat, appliance, and item with an electronic circuit could be networked together, finding synergy. As strange as it may seem, by 2020 researchers even expect 100 million light bulbs and lamps to be connected to this grid.

Entertainment and convenience are driving the “smart home” concept, which is expected to be worth $56 billion in 2018, but there is also the benefit of creating a more energy efficient world… Self-adjusting thermostats, lights, and appliances will increase the efficiency of homes to make a big impact on net efficiency.

From the moment your connected alarm clock wakes you up early if the traffic is especially bad, to the time you turn off all the lights in your home without having to leave your bedside at night —the Internet of Things is redefining our lives and the way we go about our entire day. 
The above article has been edited by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and the FREE Market Intelligence Report newsletter (see sample here – register here) for the sake of clarity ([ ]) and brevity (…) to provide a fast and easy read.

*; **

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