Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Google Yourself and You May Be Amazed – Or Even Dismayed – At What People Know About YOU! (+4K Views!)

To answer the question “How much can people learn about me by simply Googlingth_acer-ferrari-3200-notebook-computer-pc me?” just Google yourself, or as some people say, complete your own “vanity search”. You may be amazed – and perhaps even dismayed – at what is out there about you! Why should you care? Because friends, relatives, employers, recruiters, hiring managers, and even strangers may be searching for information about you on the web so shouldn’t you better control what people can learn about you online?

The infographic below is from which is brought to you courtesy of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) 

Here are some statistics on who is looking for your data:
  • 81% of millennials Google or Facebook their date before going out
  • 79% of recuiters and hiring managers screen applicants by information available online
  • 86% of hiring managers have rejected someone based on information available online
  • 7 in 10 internet users search online for information about others


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