Below is a list of the 40 best performing S&P 1500 (current members) stocks since the bull market began on March 9th, 2009. If you like looking at big winners, this list is for you.
Read More »Twitter: What am I missing here??
What am I missing here?? This is a company that has publicly said it may never make money! Why would people trip over themselves to buy this company's shares when they do not know if they can ever turn a profit? It's absolutely madness!!
Read More »Warren Buffett’s Classic Analysis of “Mr. Market” – a Must Read for ALL Investors (2K Views)
If you aren’t certain that you understand and can value your business far better than Mr. Market, you don’t belong in the game. As they say in poker, “If you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.”
Read More »If You Own Multi-national Stocks, Watch Out, Things Could Turn Ugly – Here’s Why
The European economy and stock markets have even more pain coming. If you're invested in U.S. companies with a lot of business in Europe ... watch out. Their overall global tax rates could double ... maybe triple ... and crush profits. Here's why. Words:580
Read More »A Miraculous “Jesus-like” Resurrection for Gold and its Shares Is Long Overdue (+2K Views)
The damage has already been done. Junior mining companies have already dropped 80%. Rather than wallow in the injustice of the apparent gold market manipulation, I believe it is better to apply the wisdom, "if you can't beat them, join them."
Read More »Leveraged ETFs Are Hardwired for Losses – Here’s Why
The most dangerous, wealth-destroying investment in the world is leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs). On the surface, these ETFs promise to double or triple the movements of the underlying markets they track...but they'll do anything but. You see, double- and triple-leveraged ETFs (whether long or short) pack a nasty surprise. It's almost unbelievable, actually, and particularly in this volatile market, theses ETFs are hardwired for losses. Here's what I mean.
Read More »Relax ! Stocks Are In NO Immediate Danger – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Right now there's nothing to be bearish about. I say that with conviction, because my "Bear Market Checklist" is a perfect 0-for-9. Heck, not a single indicator on the list is even close to flashing a warning sign. We've got nothing but big whiffers! Take a look. Pop a pill and relax. There's no immediate danger threatening stocks.
Read More »You Can Insure Your Portfolio From Potential Capital Loss – Here’s How (+3K Views)
Most everything you've heard about investing from the mainstream media, your mutual fund advisor and your tax accountant is a lie. You’ve been told...that the entire point of portfolio diversification is to mitigate downside risk yet when the market experiences the inevitable decline, every sector pushes significantly lower - and your “diversified” portfolio suffers as a result, [right? Well, there IS a better way.] Hear me out. Words: 895
Read More »Manage Your Own Portfolio? Then These Articles Are For YOU
The vast majority of people who have money saved have it invested in the stock market, be it stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs or warrants, and have it "managed" by their financial advisor/planner. Very, very few individuals manage their assets in self-directed accounts either through a full-service brokerage firm or totally on their own via an internet account. As such, very few articles are written for such an audience. This post changes all that with links to some very informative articles on virtually everything you need to know to succeed in today's marketplace.
Read More »George Soros: A Professional & Personal Profile (+2K Views)
While George Soros spent over 40 years managing funds at Soros Fund Management, racking up an incredible average annual return of 20%, he is arguably most known for the huge bets he made against the British pound in 1992. He felt that the European Exchange Rate Mechanism overvalued the pound and that the system was inherently unsustainable so he bet $10 billion on this view and reaped more than $2 billion in profits from his trades. [This article outlines his the life - both professional and personal - of this epitome of a hedge fund manager.] Words: 972
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