Friday , 26 July 2024

Stocks & ETFunds

Gold & Silver Warrants Index (GSWI) Update (+4K Views)

I read article after article on physical gold and silver, gold and silver ETFs and gold and silver mining company stocks but nary a one (other than those written by me) on the long-term warrants associated with a few of those companies. That is unfortunate because those who are in the know, and have taken advantage of the significant leverage warrants offer over any other precious metals investment alternatives, have done extremely well over the past 2 years and are positioned to achieve even greater returns on their dollars deployed here in 2011. Let me take this opportunity to enlighten you on the wonderful rewarding world of warrants. Words: 1569

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Buying Gold & Silver Company Warrants is Easy & Profitable – Here’s How (and Why!) (+7K Views)

With all the interest in physical gold, silver and other commodities these days, and the large/mid-cap companies who mine the metals and the juniors who are exploring for same, it begs the question: Why is no one writing about the 91% returns and the 60% leverage generated by the long-term warrants offered by a select few miners and royalty companies? The information in this article and the links to a variety of resources will change all that and make you ready and able to reap the benefits from investing in this much misunderstood asset class. Words: 2657

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The "Secret" World of Gold & Silver Company Warrants (+14K Views)

Warrants have been the best kept 'secret' of the investment world until now. After all, when was the last time you read an article on warrants or had your financial advisor broach the subject? Pay attention to the particulars provided in this article, prepare with proper due diligence and enjoy the prospects of future prosperity that a basket of long-term warrants can provide. Words: 1744

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Look! Gold and Silver Company Warrants Dramatically Outperform Gold Bullion and Gold Miner Stocks (+3K Views)

The world of warrants is the best kept investment secret around. No one seems to realize that long-term (LT) gold and silver warrants were up 140% and 92%, respectively, in 2009 and 2010 in U. S. dollar terms. Investment and financial writers go on and on about gold being such a great investment these days but gold was up "only" 24% and 30%, respectively, during the same time frame. Isn't it time investors, analysts and commentators conveyed the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to investing in gold bullion and gold-related securities? This article will do just that! Words: 1164

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Forget Gold Bullion! Those in the Know Own Silver & Gold Miner Warrants (+9K Views)

The world of warrants is the undiscovered constellation in the universe of securities. Long term (LT) warrants shone brightly in 2009 - up 242% in U. S. dollar terms - and were up a further 91% in U.S. dollar terms in 2010. The warrants world consists of only 135 stars (i.e. constituents) of which only 32 are associated with 29 commodity-related stocks that have sufficient brightness (i.e. 24+ months duration) to warrant (the pun is intended!) the attention of earthly investors. Words: 1581

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Why GLD Is My Choice Over Every Other Stock and ETF (+2K Views)

Investors are looking for a safe place to put their money - an asset class they can "touch" and possibly trade even when no organized marketplace exists. That of course is the worst-case scenario and I do not believe it will get that far but the possibility is there and gold seems to achieve peace of mind for investors at the moment. As such, for me, GLD would be the only stock or ETF I would buy if I could own just one. Words: 862

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GDXJ: A Small-Cap Gold Miner ETF With Big Potential (+3K Views)

About 54% of GDXJ’s holdings are considered “small-cap” using the metric of a market cap of $200 million to $1 billion. The ETF balances this with 44% in mid-cap names (stocks with market caps of $1 billion to $5 billion). In addition, GDXJ’s country exposure should give investors some comfort. Nearly two-thirds of the assets are in Canadian companies. Australia and the U.S. also have double-digit allocations. Words: 533

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The Weiss Team's 8 Bold Forecasts for 2010 and Beyond

Martin Weiss' team of international experts - Mike Larson in North America, Claus Vogt in Europe, Tony Sagami on Asia, Rudy Martin on South America - and Ron Rowland, one of the nation's foremost experts on international exchange-traded funds (ETFs) met recently to discuss and determine what they think is coming next. They came up with eight new forecasts for 2010 — some very negative, some very positive - and put forth specific, actionable recommendations based on their conclusions. Words: 1969

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Don't Sucumb to Fear When Choosing Gold Investments

There's the greatest irony! Gold bugs panicking over GLD's connection to physical gold instead have flocked to an ETF that in no way, shape or form actually tracks the price of gold. Investors in PHYS are paying serious cash to avoid a better-constructed ETF, simply out of paranoia and fear. Words: 689

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