Sunday , 5 January 2025

Other Commodities

A Look at the Canadian Oil Sands: the U.S.’s #1 Source of Supply (+3K Views)

The third largest source of oil in the world is the Canadian oil sands and the United States already imports more of it from there than from anywhere else. With oil prices on the rise, the controversial oil sands are likely to become even more economically viable, despite experts' warnings about environmental risks [and the political and environmental gamesmanship to block the Keystone pipeline project from there to refining facilities in the U.S.]. Below are 12 incredible facts about the oil sands. Words: 408

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This Interactive Table of Commodity Returns Is Easy to Use – Try It

Natural resources are the building blocks of the world, essential to progress and prosperity. These commodities, like all investments, can have wide price fluctuations over time. The interactive table provided shows the ebb and flow of commodity prices over the past decade and illustrates the principle of mean reversion—the concept that returns eventually move back towards their mean or average. [Take a look.]

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Which Countries are Most Risky for Mining/Oil and Gas Companies? Here's the List

The Behre Dolbear Group has recently published its annual comparative country risk assessment of twenty-five countries that host the global mining industry. [If you own, or are thinking of buying, stocks of companies in this sector print, then I suggest you give the Report your full attention and pass this commentary on to friends, acquaintances and colleagues interested in the Resource Sector, and to your Investment Advisor. Words: 437

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Graphite: The Newest HOT Resource Investment! Here’s Why (3K Views)

The word 'fad' doesn't exist in the minds of true miners and prospectors. However, fads are something that people like you and I can make a lot of money investing in if we are ahead of the curve and right now I believe the graphite sector is in the early stages of the 'fad' and will provide a ton of profitable opportunities. [Let's take a look at just why, where and when you should get positioned in this fast developing sector.] Words: 1535

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