Friday , 26 July 2024

Economic Overviews

Don’t Ignore the Coming Financial Storm – It IS Coming and Here’s How to Get Prepared (+4K Views)

Many people refer to me as a “doom and gloomer” because I run a website called “The Economic Collapse”. [Just because] I am constantly pointing out that the entire world is heading for a complete and total financial nightmare, [however,] I don’t think that it does any good to stick your head in the sand. I believe that there is hope in understanding what is happening and I believe that there is hope in getting prepared. [This article does just that.] Words: 2432

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Is An Economic Collapse of U.S. Possible, Likely or Imminent? (+4K Views)

Much has been written by a variety of analysts on the health of the U.S. economy, its susceptibility to a collapse, and possible/likely/imminent (depending on who the author is) of an impending stock market crash, falling U.S. dollar and future hyperinflation. Below is a cross-section of opinions on the subject to help you get a more enlightened understanding of the factors at play and what influence, if any, they may have on how things unfold.

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Alf Field: America’s Current Account Deficit Causing World’s Financial Crisis! Here’s Why (+8K Views)

The onset of the world’s worst financial crisis in many decades is one of the most important factors (if not the most important factor) currently influencing investment decisions. The crisis has created chaos and confusion. Not many people understand how the world has arrived at this unfortunate situation. This report endeavours to identify the underlying causes of the crisis and explains why the USA current account deficit has been the main destabilising force in world finance. Words: 3806

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