Sunday , 28 April 2024

Lorimer Wilson

Who is Next in the 'Game' of Sovereign Debt Default Dominos?

In a global crisis sovereign debt fears have the ability to be contagious destroying investor confidence in the capital markets of troubled countries and the overall global economy alike and when confidence wanes, capital flees it is a surefire recipe for falling dominoes. That's especially true today in the wake of a deep global recession that has left many countries with bloated deficits and debt loads. Words: 707

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Check Out These "Hedge Funds for The Little Guy"

You've probably heard about hedge funds, those super-secretive private pools where millionaires stash their money. Yes, sometimes they blow up. But many hedge funds have a long history of good returns in all market conditions. They do this by combining sophisticated trading techniques with long and short positions in various markets. The problem is that the best hedge funds aren't available to everyday investors in small amounts. Words: 1078

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Beware: Government Claim of Low Inflation is Just B.S.!

Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality it begs the question, "What are they smoking?" I'm not talking about the insane amounts of spending that's going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they're making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they're on inside the beltway I am referring the way Washington manipulates its official statistics. Words: 1107

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9 Ways to Invest in the S&P 500 – With a Twist (+2K Views)

Many ETFs now present unique approaches to stock and bond investing by tweaking popular and widely-followed benchmarks. The very first ETF, the S&P 500 SPDR (SPY), remains by far the largest U.S.-listed ETF, reflecting investor familiarity with the underlying benchmark, but there are now approximately 30 other issuers now competing for a slice of this still-growing pie. Words: 789

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IMF on China: Steady as She Goes!

While there will be some corrections in the medium term as Beijing tries to balance growth and inflation to curb potential bubbles these pullbacks should prove to be good entry points for long term investors. Words: 631

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5 Asia-Centric but Non-Chinese ETFs (+2K Views)

Since the economic recovery began, many investors have looked to Asia to drive growth and stimulate global demand. China has grabbed most of the headlines, as tremendous growth in the world’s most populous nation has essentially pulled this emerging market into a tie with Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. While China’s growth has been impressive, however, recent data releases have shown that Asia isn’t a one-trick pony. Words: 781

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