Fox News' Glenn Beck has repeatedly stoked fears that the U.S. would see "massive inflation," stating, as far back as 2008, that inflation would go "through the roof" in the "next year." In fact, inflation remained low in 2009 and 2010 and looks to remain the same in 2011. Let's review Beck's prognostications one by one and come to our own conclusion. Words: 1764
Read More »I’ve Sold My Gold – Should You? (2K Views)
Since the dawn of this financial crisis, my portfolio has included an allocation to gold. I viewed this as an important element of stability and protection and I believed in a longer-term story taking hold. Last week I kissed the precious metal goodbye for now and this is my explanation as to my reasoning. Words: 1382
Read More »Massive Stock Market Selloff Likely in Mid-2011! Here's Why
A major crisis is coming in the first half of 2011 and it could cause a worldwide financial disaster, global market crashes and the destruction of wealth that will make the popping of the dot-com and housing bubbles feel like a mild inconvenience! Why? Because, quite simply, America is playing a dangerous game of “chicken” with its national debt - and the ramifications are extraordinary. Words: 1475
Read More »Draft of Year-end "State of the Union" Address Entitled "My Fellow Frantic Americans" – Take a Look
If I was the President right now and could give a fireside chat (FDR-style) to all American citizens here is what I would say. So get warm and cozy and take a healthy dose of the red pills. Words: 1652
Read More »HUI Stocks About to Kick Up Their Heels!
All indications are that we are at the 3rd wave juncture where the large cap gold and silver producer stocks and intermediate precious metals producer/developer stocks tend to start to move much better, and where the smaller explorer class starts to kick up it's heels. Let me show you what I mean with a few charts that will give you a clear visual of why you ain't seen nothing yet when it come to the future performance of the stocks (and warrants) of gold and silver mining and royalty companies. Words: 1036
Read More »Cycle Charts for the Dow, Gold and Oil Most Revealing!
Larry Edelson's proprietary cycle analyses suggests that we could experience declines in the Dow 30 and S&P 500 to 9,000 and 1,000, respectively, by April of 2011; a potential decline in the price of gold to as low as $1126 by August of 2011 and a decline in the price of crude oil to as low as $69 next year - before taking off to record highs. Words: 781
Read More »Here’s Why Agricultural Stocks Are a Better Buy! (+2K Views)
If you think the dollar will decline further then it makes sense to buy commodity stocks and even if there is a global recovery that's faster than we expect many commoditiy stocks will still outperform because supply is simply unable to meet the increasing demand for some of the commodities. [Let me tell you] which one(s) to buy[- and why]? Words: 1475
Read More »Mania Territory For Gold is Coming Soon! (+6K Views)
The chief institutional strategist at Canada’s biggest bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), believes gold prices are probably heading the way of the NASDAQ in the 1990s and the Nikkei in the 1980s into mania territory on the road to $3,800 an ounce. Words: 647
Read More »Washington Politicians Will Cause Rampant Inflation With Their In-Action and Mis-Action! (+2K Views)
The National Inflation Association (NIA) believes it is very unlikely that our representatives in Washington will have the political backbone and courage to implement any of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform's proposed cuts in domestic and defense expenditures and increases in tax revenues. [Instead, as the NIA sees it,] the U.S. is on a path towards exploding budget deficits in the years ahead that could cause an outbreak of hyperinflation by the end of calendar year 2015. Words: 887
Read More »Will the Trickle Out of the U.S. Dollar Now Become a Torrent? (+5K Views)
Another brick has been taken out of America's dollar fundamentals. China and Russia intend to stop using the U.S. dollar and begin to pay for trade between their two countries in renminbi and rubles, respectively, from now on. Watch out America - with the coming demise of the U.S. dollar your free ride is over!
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