While a few mainstream outlets...acknowledge gold’s stellar run, most remain skeptical or outright bearish and the blasphemy they purport is that gold is in a bubble. Let’s settle it, right now, and shut these naysayers up. What bubble? Words: 670
Read More »My Uncle Sam is in Trouble: Let Me Explain – Simply!
I've been trying to get across to friends and family how bad the economic situation has become... but with numbers in the billions and trillions they get a glazed/deer in the headlights look in their eyes. I have tried to overcome that problem by writing this article in such a way that the numbers can be more easily visualized which I hope will convince them - and you - of the serious nature of the US fiscal outlook. Words: 645
Read More »Look! Gold and Silver Company Warrants Dramatically Outperform Gold Bullion and Gold Miner Stocks (+3K Views)
The world of warrants is the best kept investment secret around. No one seems to realize that long-term (LT) gold and silver warrants were up 140% and 92%, respectively, in 2009 and 2010 in U. S. dollar terms. Investment and financial writers go on and on about gold being such a great investment these days but gold was up "only" 24% and 30%, respectively, during the same time frame. Isn't it time investors, analysts and commentators conveyed the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to investing in gold bullion and gold-related securities? This article will do just that! Words: 1164
Read More »All These Indicators Suggest Gold & Silver Fireworks About to Begin
The gold bull is now on the verge of launching the most spectacular up-leg of this 10 year bull market. This spring we should see the final parabolic rally of the massive C-wave advance that began in April `09...[taking gold up a further 15% or so to approx. $1650, silver up a further 40-45% to as high as $50 and the HUI up to somewhere between 800 and 900 (i.e. +40-60%). Let me explain the specifics:] Words: 1216
Read More »What You Need To Know Before Jumping Into Gold And Silver
As the global economy becomes increasingly unstable investors all over the world are flocking to gold and silver which has sent the price of gold to a record high. With many analysts projecting that prices for precious metals will continue to soar throughout 2011 investors are euphoric. Does that mean, though, that everyone should just suddenly jump into gold and silver? No, it does not. Precious metals are not for everyone. Just like any other kind of investing, it is absolutely crucial that you get educated before you get involved. Below are 10 things you should know before jumping into the precious metals market. Words: 1156
Read More »It's Time To Sell Your Stocks and Buy Gold! Here's Why
The S&P 500 has rebounded about 100% in 100 weeks. What crisis? What new normal? The economy is recovering and happy times are back again. Old normal is back. Stocks for the long run! Permabears be damned! The permabulls are back! Rates are low, core inflation is low. It's Goldilocks time! [Hold on, though. That's only half the picture and the other half does not paint such a rosy picture. Let me explain.] Words: 959
Read More »Sprott: Gold is NOT Forming a Financial Bubble – Here's Why
Despite gold’s continuous ten-year rise...[which has] produced consistent returns in virtually all currencies year after year, some market pundits still question its validity as an asset class...[but our analysis of the gold market clearly shows that...,] despite all this talk about the gold bubble, the capital flows into gold vis-à-vis other financial assets have simply not been large enough to indicate any speculative mania. [Let us show you the results of our finds.] Words: 1460
Read More »Is Gold a "Gotta-Have" Investment? Some Don't Think So
There's a saying in the investment business that when the taxi driver and the delivery person are talking about a "no-lose, gotta-have" investment, it's time to run for the exits. At that point of maximum adoration and comfort, the masses have gone wild and that's often the warning that the smart money is on its way to the exits and the novices will be trampled in the exodus. Think technology stock bubble in 2000, or house flipping three years ago. Now, think gold. Words: 538
Read More »The Great American Apocalypse 2011-2012: The Video (+2K Views)
Unlike the credit crisis that triggered the last major stock market collapse … the “Fiscal Armageddon” that could “dwarf 2008″ will be intensely personal. Millions of Americans will face the specter of lost incomes … lost savings … lost buying power … lost homes … lost liberty. View the video for all the details.
Read More »Goldrunner: Gold and Silver Mining Stocks Ready to Rip Higher
I am at a loss for words (something that rarely happens to me) as to why so many in the gold and silver sector have become so negative at this juncture in this Historic Precious Metals Bull Market. No doubt many have “2008-itis”, thinking that the Dow is going to crash [but my analyses of the PM market suggests that that is not going to be the case. Let me explain.] Words: 2497
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