Question: What asset has appreciated more than any asset since the year 2000? Answer: Farmland - by 1,200%! [George Soros and Jim Rogers have recognized that fact and invested accordingly. Here is what you need to know to do likewise.] Words: 974
Read More »The U.S. Dollar Crisis is About to Accelerate! Here's Why
If the debt ceiling deal agreement is fully implemented [it is only going to exacerbate America's financial and economic woes and accelerate the demise of the U.S.] Dollar Standard which is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its demise is imminent. The only question is will it be death by fire—hyperinflation—or death by ice—deflation? Fortunes will be made and lost depending on the answer to that question. [Let me explain how the collapse of the dollar could well unfold.] Words: 944
Read More »Jim Sinclair Sees Economic Train Wreck Coming – Slowly but Surely! (+3K Views)
James Turk, Director of The GoldMoney Foundation, interviewed Jim Sinclair recently at the GATA conference in London about his successful gold price predictions, the U.S. debt problems, how to ride the second phase of the gold bull and the gear change from arithmetic to exponential growth as public perceptions about the safety of the US dollar changes. Below is a heavily edited and paraphrased version of the interview to provide you with a fast and easy understanding of its contents. Words: 1318
Read More »$325/ozt. Silver and $6,800 Gold Quite Possible – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The majority of analysts are now of the opinion that gold will reach a parabolic peak price somewhere in excess of $5,000 per troy ounce in the next few years. Given the fact that the historical movement of silver is 90 - 95% correlated with that of gold suggests that a much higher price for silver can also be anticipated. Couple that with the fact that silver is currently greatly undervalued relative to its average long-term historical relationship with gold and silver could escalate dramatically in price over the next few years. How much? This article takes a look at historical gold:silver ratios and what attaining certain relationships would mean for the price of silver should specific price levels for gold be realized. Words: 1411
Read More »A Full-blown International Bond & Currency Crisis is Approaching – Fast! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Over the past two months stock markets have crashed around the world and gold prices have soared as global investors decided that the U.S. has lost its race against time. A new recession is upon us before we even half-closed the output gap left open from the last recession. It means even larger deficits and an even weaker dollar. The price of gold and Treasury bonds is telling us that a full-blown international bond and currency crisis is approaching. There is no international policy mechanism available to stop the panic short of re-opening the gold window that the U.S. closed unilaterally and “temporarily” in 1971. [Let me explain.] Words: 3025
Read More »Ron Paul: Love Him or Hate Him, His Investment Approach is a Big-time Winner!
GOP presidential contender Ron Paul has predicted nearly all of the major economic developments in recent years - the housing collapse, the plunging dollar, and the rise of precious metals - and, as such, has killed the major market averages with his approach. [In fact,] he is a master investor with a track record that would make many of the Street's top hedge funds envious! [Let's take a look at his portfolio and compare its performance to that of the S&P 500.] Words: 665
Read More »Ian Campbell's Commentary: Gold – The Safest Haven?
Is physical gold the best available 'safe-haven' or is it the U.S. dollar - or perhaps even U.S. Treasuries? Words: 793
Read More »Can Such a High Price for Gold Be Justified? (+2K Views)
Gold's value should depend on the economic and political situation of the time. Right now there are fears of hyperinflation, collapse of the eurozone and even a collapse of the entire financial system. Gold should be worth more than its historical average, but how much more? Words: 3063
Read More »We Can Now Rule Out Another Housing Collapse, Can't We?
According to both the Case Shiller and RadarLogic indices housing prices have been essentially flat for the past 2 years after having fallen by a third from their 2006/7 highs. [That being said, surely we can now rule out another collapse, can't we? Words: 764
Read More »Roubini, Schiff, Rosenberg and Whitney Agree: Another Recession Is At Hand! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Michael Spence, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, believes there's "probably a 50%" chance of the global economy slipping into recession. Nouriel Roubini disagrees and says flatly that a recession is coming and that it is a mission impossible now to stop it. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank places the odds at 85% of a recession. David Rosenberg, another very savvy economist, says that by 2012, the chance of a second recession is 99%. Peter Schiff, who with Roubini, correctly and accurately predicted the collapse on Wall Street and ensuing recession, thinks one is 100% certain. [Let's take a look at why they hold such views.] Words: 829
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