If you were fortunate enough to keep your job during the pandemic, you probably noticed a financial benefit: you spent less. Amid restrictions, credit card spending on fun activities—like going out for dinner—became less frequent. Looking ahead, the majority of Americans plan to continue at least one budget change post-pandemic, including eating out less (49%), buying fewer clothes and shoes (41%), and traveling less (37%). Of course, the first step in budgeting is tracking where your money is going. In the graphic below from Personal Capital, we break down Americans’ monthly credit card spending by category.
WEALTH IF YOU WANT IT is an e-book that deals with how to improve your wealth, your financial independence and your quality of life.
Most of what passes for explanations of inflation and its causes are convoluted and confusing. It is like looking into a pond of muddy water and trying to ascertain what lurks blow the surface. Below are some facts about inflation that should help clarify things:
Read More »Wealth: Where Are YOU Headed? (Chapter 4)*
Few people formally plan much in their lives. Usually, that shows they don’t know where they are going. Living life without a plan is analogous to sitting in a drifting boat. You know the direction of the drift, but not the ultimate destination. Words: 1802
Read More »Wealth: Requirements To Succeed (Chapter 3)
If you are unwilling to save, save some time by ignoring this book. Stop reading right here! Savings are an absolute prerequisite for wealth creation. Without savings, there can be no wealth. Read that sentence a few times. It is an immutable fact. Words: 800
Read More »What Is Wealth? (Chapter 2)
Understanding the creation of wealth is easier than achieving it. Achieving it also requires commitment, behavioral change, and sacrifice. If you are interested in success, regardless of how you define it, take charge of your life. Planning is essential. Happiness, regardless of what that implies, requires commitment and planning. Do not depend on luck! Do not think that you may win the lottery. Words: 1362
Read More »Goldrunner: Gold Will Go Ballistic When the USD Goes “Zimbabwe” (+3K Views)
Jim Sinclair has come out with a video and stated that with so many Dollars being printed to uphold the economy that Gold would eventually rise up to his top target of $87,000 an ounce.
Read More »Top 6 Tips For Protecting Your Retirement Portfolio
A secure retirement is a goal for many people. The recession and an uncertain financial future have caused many people to question their savings plans. In this article, we will discuss the top 6 tips that you can use to build a solid foundation for your retirement portfolio.
Read More »Who Was Kondratiev & What Is the Wave Cycle Theory?
Kondratiev concluded that each long wave was driven by technological advances. He identified four distinct phases.
Read More »Don’t Be Misled: MAJOR Differences Exist Between HUI, XAU & other PM Indices (+13K Views)
The number, market cap and currencies of the constituents of the HUI, XAU, GDX, XGD and CDNX indices differ considerably from each other and, as such, each index presents a different picture of what is really happening in the precious metals marketplace. This article analyzes the make-up of each index to reveal the biases of each to arrive at the answer to the question in the title. Words: 1026
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