We are at a major crossroads in the equity and bond markets. We could see a major 'risk-on' rally in the S&P 500 BUT if no equity rally ensues, and U.S. Treasury note yields keep falling, then something terrible is about to strike at the heart of the global capital markets.... [As such, it is imperative that you keep a close eye on this new 'Peak Price' indicator. Let me explain.] Words: 450
Read More »U.S. Financial Crisis Makes Future Rioting In The Streets An Almost Certain Outcome! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The U.S. government has put us between the proverbial 'rock and a hard place'. Cutting spending to improve our country's financial situation would surely trigger rioting in the streets by those Americans most adversely affected yet not cutting spending will trigger much higher inflation - even hyperinflation - which will also result in rioting....Government cannot control how this ends. They may be able to tinker with the timing a bit and they still have the choice of poisons with which to destroy the country, [but] that the country is gone, that is no longer alterable. Words: 930
Read More »Canadian Oil Sands: World’s Single Largest Petroleum Resource and… (+2K Views)
The Canadian oil sands are the world’s single largest petroleum resource at 1.7 trillion barrels. With conventional oil supply decreasing, heavy oil projects such as the oil sands become more attractive economically to meet the needs of growing demand. While environmental concerns about the oil sands remain, the options for plentiful, cost efficient, and clean oil sources are limited.
Read More »Which Is a Better Buy These Days: Physical Gold or Gold Mining Stocks?
When looking to invest in gold, you can invest in physical gold, or you can invest in gold mining companies that are producers....Gold mining companies have underperformed the price of gold for the last year so are they a better buy now than physical gold? [In this article I weigh the pros and cons for each as I see them and explain how I came to my decision.] Words: 770
Read More »Vanadium: An Infrastructure Essential With Major Potential Use in Energy Storage and Green Energy (+2K Views)
This infographic looks at the primary uses for vanadium, its supply and demand, and future applications that could potentially affect the metal’s demand.
Read More »Taxes on "Rich" Vary Dramatically by Country – Take a Look
There is a lot of debate these days about the extent at which the "rich" among us should be taxed. That is an argument that no one is going to win but the findings of a study comparing the tax rates of such individuals on a comparative basis by country is most enlightening. Take a look to see how your country's tax rates on the "rich" compare with other countries. Some of you will read this article and be quite displeased while the majority of you should realize that you have nothing to complain about (relatively speaking, that is). Words: 455
Read More »Will U.S. Gov’t Eventually Mandate that ‘x’ % of IRA/401K Funds Be In Treasuries? (+2K Views)
The notion of government raiding personal retirement accounts for funds may seem extreme...but other governments have done it. Argentina did in 2008, Ireland has indicated it might [and the U.S. might well do so as it's] financial crisis worsens. This article puts forth reasons why it is possible they would undertake such a grab or 'confiscation' of your retirement accounts and how they likely would go about implementing such an event. Words: 700
Read More »Youth Unemployment: a Looming Societal and Economic Problem That Will Adversely Affect Us All
Youth unemployment is a very large and looming societal and economic problem in developed countries. The seriousness of this issue cannot be overstated. [Let me expand on the current employment situation in many of the developed countries of the world, what the remedies might be and what the ramifications likely will be if remedial action is not taken - and soon.] Words: 1092
Read More »Stephen Leeb: Precious Metals Investors Need to Hang in There!!
If investors step back and look at this from a longer-term perspective, they will realize that politicians feel the only way out of this mess is to print more money. After the money printing will come the inflation. It will be higher inflation than anything we’ve seen in the post-World War II period and it will send gold, silver and all commodities skyrocketing.
Read More »We're In For a "Bummer of a Summer" – Here's Why
We are in for another bummer of a summer, with the Dow tumbling over the next several months to the 12,000-12,200 range.... [Let me explain why and how best to protect your portfolio and profit from what is unfolding.] Words: 580
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