Over the past 12 years saving gold and/or silver has been an 8x - yes, 8 times! - more effective strategy to grow one's wealth than banking money and I believe it will continue to be so for the foreseeable future for four reasons.
Read More »What Would It Take For Hyperinflation To Occur in the U.S.? (+36K Views)
There is a difference between inflation and hyperinflation and there is no gradual path from one to the other. To wind up with true hyperinflation, some very bad things have to happen. The government has to completely lose control the populace has to completely lose faith in the system or both at the same time. Are we there yet? Let's take a look.
Read More »The 5 Stages of Collapse: Financial, Commercial, Political, Social & Cultural – Where is the U.S. Now? (26K Views)
Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between Russia and the U.S. - the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this - I feel ready...to define five stages of collapse to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it. Words: 2500
Read More »Silver Could Drop to $7 and Oil To $20 in Coming Recession! Here’s Why (+19K Views)
If, and indeed when, the U.S economy goes into recession commodity prices will fall to levels we would have previously found unimaginable. This could be $20 oil and $7 Silver.
Read More »The 5 Stages of a Bubble – Where Are We Now? (23K Views)
This article reviews the characteristics and different stages of a bubble...and identifies current conditions which match up with traditional bubble criteria.
Read More »Rapid Rise In Interest Rates Will Collapse U.S. Financial System – Here’s Why (+12K Views)
When interest rates go down, that spurs economic activity, and that is good for stock prices, so when interest rates start going up rapidly, that is not a good thing for the stock market at all.
Read More »What Would USD Collapse Mean for the World? (+29K Views)
I came to the conclusion several years ago that it was just a matter of time before the world realized that the relative functionality of the U.S. dollar was about to go belly up - to collapse. Below is an explanation as to why I have come to that conclusion and what I think it would mean for the well-being of the world.
Read More »The P/E Ratio: Its Strengths and Limitations (+42K Views)
When it comes to valuing stocks, the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is the number one metric for investors that want an instant fix on what the market thinks of a company. [That being said]...there are health warnings to heed if you don’t want to be left exposed by its limitations. [Let me explain.] Words: 1101
Read More »My Personal Report from the World Economic Forum in Davos (+4K Views)
I am on assignment at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Unfortunately my previous commentaries irked the organizers so profoundly that I was not allowed the intimate access usually accorded friendly members of the media. No matter, I am staying at a pleasant bed and breakfast about an hour and half outside of Davos....[But I digress. Back to the Forum.] Words: 2369
Read More »The Developing Disaster Facing the U.S. Dollar & the World (+14K Views)
When the supply of something is increased sharply relative to demand, the value of that commodity will decline. If the supply continues to increase rapidly and indefinitely, then that item will become worth less and less, with the potential to finally become nearly worthless. This is the Developing Disaster facing the US Dollar and the world. This is the factor that could become the single most important criterion in investment allocation decisions and possibly even for individual financial survival.
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