I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. [we dare you to watch this video and not to laugh unless, of course, you're one of those grim Greenies.]
Read More »Muslim’s Ramadan: What’s the Significance Of This Major Religious Event?
What is the significance of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting?
Read More »Under 30? Here’s My Christmas Gift to You: “Get the Hell Out of Dodge!” – Here’s How
It is not your civic and moral responsibility to pay off the debts of your government’s failures. Cast off the yoke of their control… and summon the courage to live a life by your own design. The path to your prosperity depends on this ability to reject the old system, declare your economic independence, and carve your own path. [This article outlines what is being laid out as your future unless you take independent action and, in conclusion, outlines suggestions on how to make a better life for yourself. Feel free to share this article with one and all - and the video at the end of the article.]
Read More »These 6 Financial Gifts Will Help Your Children Learn About, Respect & Appreciate Money
With the holidays right around the corner, now is the perfect time to set your sights on one or more of these 6 financial gifts that will help your kids learn about, respect, and appreciate money.
Read More »Understanding Money: 5 Great Books For Christmas
There are plenty of brilliant books that break down money in a digestible and clear way and here are a few of our favorite recommendations.
Read More »Under 30? My Christmas Gift Could Make You Happier, Freer & More Financially Secure – Interested? (+2K Views)
If you’re reading this and under 30, let me be absolutely clear about one indubitable point: your government is going to sacrifice your future in order to pay for its own mistakes from the past. [If that kind of future does not sit well with you] then get out of Dodge. Stop playing by the same rules of the game that used to work in the past because the old playbook of “go to school, get a good job, work your way up the ladder” simply doesn’t apply anymore. [This article outlines what is being laid out as your future unless you take independent action and, in conclusion, outlines suggestions on how to make a better life for yourself. Feel free to share this article with one and all!] Words: 1058
Read More »Physical Silver Is the Perfect Christmas Gift – Buy It NOW- Here’s Why
A gift of physical silver will be especially attractive this Christmas because, not only is it a statement of gifting value in a time of inflation, but you are giving a gift that will likely jump in value in 2022. You will be buying something cheap, and those gifted will be astounded about your foresight and their benefits.
Read More »Consider Giving Your Child/Grandchild Some Gold or Gold Stocks This Christmas
Your young children or grandkids will probably say they'd like a toy or bicycle this holiday season, but their adult selves might prefer a financial gift with a long-term payoff. Here's why and the best way to do that.
Read More »Dump Dollars and Buy Gold – Here’s Why
If you are holding U.S. dollars in a savings account, CD or money-market fund, you are slowly losing what you have saved or inherited and within a few short years you could lose the bulk of what is remaining. It is being done in such a way that most people don't notice. The hidden tax of inflation has been robbing you for quite some time and the pace and severity of this theft is increasing rapidly. If I sound alarmist, it is with intention.
Read More »4 Myths Regarding the Supposed U.S. Debt Ceiling Crisis
The debate in Washington over when and how to increase the debt limit is less than 100% accurate. Here are some myths about the debt ceiling and the debate about raising it.
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