Tuesday , 18 March 2025

Asian Demand for Gold & Silver Will Cause Much Higher Prices – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Asian Demand for Physical Gold and Silver is Akin to a Tsunami

Ignoring real estate, most people invest their hard earned money in paper things – stocks, bonds, annuities, insurance – [except] in China and India… [where] they are converting their hard earned paper money into gold and silver bullion. [While] that is nothing new the scale and speed with which they are accumulating precious metals IS new, and it’s driving the fundamentals that will lead to higher prices in 2011. Words: 1421

So say  Eric Sprott & David Franklin (www.sprott.com) in an article* which Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com, has reformatted and edited […] below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. (Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.) Sprott and Franklin go on to say:

Chinese Importation of Gold Was Up 364% in 2010

Demand for the metals is literally exploding in Asia, and it’s creating shortages of physical bullion around the world. The statistics are extraordinary. China, the world’s largest gold producer, now requires so much of the precious metal (in addition to what it already mines) that it imported over 209 metric tons (6.7 million oz) of gold during the first ten months of 2010. This represents a fivefold increase from the estimated 45 metric tons it imported in all of 2009.

Chinese Retail Demand for Gold Was Up 70% in 2010

According to the World Gold Council, Chinese retail demand for gold increased by 70% from October 2009 to September 2010, representing a total of 153.2 tonnes of gold imports. Yet, over the same period, the demand for gold jewelry rose by only 8%.  There is a clear trend developing for Chinese investment in gold as a monetary asset, and China is buying so much gold for investment purposes that it now threatens to supercede India as the world’s largest gold consumer. Chinese demand in 2010 is expected to reach approximately 600 tonnes, just behind India’s 800 tonnes.  To put that in perspective, 2010 world mine production is forecasted to be 2,652 tonnes, which means China and India could collectively lock-up over half of global annual production.

China Now Importing Silver to Meet Demand

Even more surprising is the increase in Chinese demand for silver. Recent statistics show that silver imports have increased fourfold from 2009 to 2010. In 2005, the Chinese exported just over 100 million oz. of silver. In 2010, they imported just over 120 million oz. This represents a swing of 200 million+ oz. in a market that supplied a total of 889 million oz. in 2009 – a truly tectonic shift in demand!

Shortages of Physical Gold and Silver Worldwide Now Evident

We are seeing widespread evidence of major shortages of physical gold and silver bullion across the globe. The Perth Mint recently stated that: “Demand for our coins and medallions is strong, but the biggest demand is coming from banks and traders looking for kilo bars.”  Three weeks ahead of Chinese New Year, Asian dealers were reporting premiums in mainland Chinese gold exchanges of $23 per ounce.  Even Jim Cramer has acknowledged the current shortage in minted U.S. gold coins, stating on his CNBC television show in December that: “As someone who tried to buy U.S. coins in December, there was a real scarcity. My dealer reportedly just couldn’t get any coins – tried to sell me Australian bullion. Said there was a shortage. Very telling.”

Introduction of Gold Accumulation Plan in China Has Dramatically Increased Purchases of Gold

While Chinese New Year celebrations typically drive gold demand in the month of January, there are stronger forces at work here. The Chinese are fighting the resurgence of inflation. To protect their wealth, the populace is turning to gold and silver as a store of value. Precious metals ownership is a relatively new phenomenon in China, where Chinese citizens have only been able to purchase gold freely within the last ten years… Investor interest in precious metals has increased dramatically [over that period. Today,] new investment products are making gold more convenient to purchase and easier to own [such as] the ICBC Gold Accumulation Plan (“ICBC GAP”) [which] allows investors in mainland China to accumulate gold through a daily dollar averaging program. The minimum investment required is either 200 RMB per month or 1 gram of gold per day (equivalent to approximately US$42). Customers may renew the contracts at maturity, convert them into cash or exchange them for physical gold. The accounts are perfect for investors who want to accumulate gold over the long-term. While gold accumulation plans exist in Japan, Switzerland and other countries, this is a first for mainland China. Kudos to the World Gold Council for their efforts in setting up and promoting the program.

The most significant fact related to the ICBC GAP program is how fast it has captured the investing public in China. One million accounts have already been opened since the program [was] launched on April 1st, resulting in the purchase of over 10 tonnes of gold thus far. According to press releases, the ICBC GAP plan was taken up by a mere 20% of total depositors at ICBC, and was only launched in select Chinese cities during the test phase. The ICBC bank just happens to be the largest consumer bank on earth with approximately 212 million separate accounts. If we apply some realistic assumptions and arithmetic, it’s easy to imagine how large this program could potentially become.

Suppose, for example, the ICBC GAP plan were expanded to cover all ICBC depositors, and also expanded to the next four largest Chinese banks. Let’s further assume that the gold purchases within the plan enjoyed the same rate of growth as the test phase mentioned above. If we add all these numbers together, it results in gold purchases of an extra 300 tonnes of gold per year, or over 10% of the estimated 2010 global gold production.

Implications of Burgeoning Chinese Demand for the Gold Market are Immense

The implications of this burgeoning Chinese demand for the gold market are immense. If these predictions prove accurate, the ICBC GAP plan could become the single largest buyer of physical gold on the planet. Considering that the program has only been launched in one Chinese bank thus far, imagine if it were extended to other institutions or other large gold consuming countries such as India, Russia or Turkey?

Speaking from Japan, the head of the World Gold Council recently commented on the early success of the ICBC GAP plan in China: “Here in Japan, it has taken over 10 years for the gold-savings account industry as a whole to reach 700,000 accounts. It is impressive that only one Chinese bank can exceed that level so easily, within one year, without PR or active marketing in-branch.”

The World Gold Council does their own arithmetic on how much gold the Chinese can consume: “In 2009, per capita gold consumption in China was 0.33 grams, up from 0.17 grams in 2002.” Based on this data total Chinese gold consumption could range from 1,000 tonnes per year or more. This implies that the Chinese could consume almost half of the gold produced globally on an annual basis.

The ICBC Gold Accumulation Plan and other alternate methods of investing in gold have the potential to overwhelm current supply in the gold market. If a similar program were launched for silver accumulation, in the same dollar terms at current prices, it would consume over half of the silver produced each year! In Asia, only physical gold and silver will do… and unlike the supply of treasury bills, bonds or paper currencies, the supply of physical gold and silver is undoubtedly finite.


We believe Asian demand for physical gold and silver is akin to a tsunami. While precious metals prices have corrected on the paper exchanges, the inflation resurgence in Asia is quietly driving new, unforeseen levels of physical demand for the metals. While the world continues to float on a sea of paper, this massive wave of physical demand silently threatens to crash into the physical gold and silver market, potentially wiping out tangible supply.


Editor’s Note:

  • The above article consists of reformatted edited excerpts from the original for the sake of brevity, clarity and to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered.
  • Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given as per paragraph 2 above.
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  1. Kissinger Tells Charlie Rose the Current Financial Crisis Can Be Used to Advance a New World Order
    Saturday, February 14, 2009 – by Charlie Rose


    Timothy Geithner Tells CFR Gathering He Is Open to a Global IMF Managed Currency
    Wednesday, March 25, 2009 – by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)


    America’s Secret Government (COMPLETELY) revealed, OR, Why Did NOTHING CHANGE,
    between the GW Bush and the Obama Administrations? HERE is the DEFINITIVE answer
    to “What went wrong in America?”: EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO READ THIS
    BOOK !!!

    Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People

  2. “The single most important thing any human being can do, anywhere in the world, right now, today – is BUY SILVER. EVEN IF ONLY ONE OUNCE, OR TWO. BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AFFORD. IF 100 Million human beings buy one ounce of silver – the central banker parasites are FINISHED. And, humanity can go back to living as God intended them to live – in FREEDOM.

  3. How about this: We, the (Plebs) of the Planet, enforce a TOTAL REPUDIATION of gold – by NOT BUYING gold – by ONLY BUYING AND/OR BARTERING using SILVER… Eventually, the following would occur: 1) JP Morgue, and affiliated banksters stock would go to ZERO, 2) U.S. Dollar would totally collapse, 3) self-proclaimed ‘elites’ would attempt to buy bread with gold – only to be told ‘we only accept SILVER’…this is totally within the realm of possibility – if, as Max Keiser has stated – we can ‘GET THIS GLOBAL PARTY STARTED!’

  4. What is needed, are U.S. Treasury-issued (ie, Sovereign-issued) Notes, NOT Rothschild-Goldman-Sucks’-’Fed’-issued Notes. We DO NOT need a return to a ‘gold-standard’ as is often bandied-about. This would simply allow the self-proclaimed ‘elites’, to regain control over the new gold-backed currency, since they already own all the gold… (Thus, the correct answer is: U.S. Treasury-issued Notes. Period.) Until this happens, LOAD UP ON SILVER.

  5. Still MORE reasons why SILVER will outperform gold, over the next decade:

    I’m A Crazy Silver-Bug…Why Aren’t You?, by Bix Weir
    (Or, 33 Reasons To Buy SILVER Instead of Gold)

    The Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield

    Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver (Episode 96, Keiser Report)

  6. It is clear, that silver will outperform gold, long-term. Why? Because, 99.999% of the earth’s population are POOR. They, like investors in India, cannot afford much gold. They can, however, afford silver (currently). Chinese buyers are (currently) favoring gold, although, they are buying both gold and silver – in droves. Eventually, Chinese investors will favor silver, too.