Sunday , 22 December 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrencies  A Fast & Easy Read of the Latest & Best Financial Articles

Today’s infographic from BestAccountingSchools provides an introductory guide to cryptocurrencies, and it highlights the history, important terms, and statistics about the crypto space. It also profiles some of the pioneers that made it all happen.

The original article has been edited here for length (…) and clarity ([ ])

With money pouring into the blockchain from investors, venture capitalists, and strategic partners, it is clear that cryptocurrencies will continue to be in the spotlight for years to come. However, as with any newly emerging field, being in the spotlight can present a double-edged sword. It makes for an environment full of passionate and extremely technical discussion, but it also opens the door to blatant promotional pump-and-dump schemes and inflexible factions of cheerleaders or naysayers. This clutter makes it considerably difficult for the average person to really wrap their head around the crypto space – and it creates opportunities to simplify the sector in an easy, digestible, and accessible way.

A Guide to Cryptocurrencies

If you’re new to the world of crypto, the following infographic guide is a great way to get started. It covers all the basics!

A Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrencies

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Related Article From the munKNEE Vault:

1. A Comparison Of the 25 Most Notable Cryptocurrencies

Today’s visualization comes to us from Nick Young, and it shows the 25 most notable cryptocurrencies on the market using data from March 5, 2018.

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One comment

  1. If we have a financial crash what will happen to crypto currency ??