Sunday , 16 March 2025

Gold & Silver: Don’t Wait for the Bottom – “Average Down”. Here’s Why

You cannot control what others do, especially those in power. You can control what171686-gold-silver-bars you do.  Just keep buying, regardless of price, because if/when the price of gold and silver were to go lower, you may not be able to buy.  If/when the price of gold and silver were to go higher, it may be at such an accelerated rate that any price in the past few years seem cheap. Words: 550

So writes Michael Noonan ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled Gold And Silver – Are You A Lion Or A Gazelle?  You Had Better Know!.

(NOTE: This post is presented by  Lorimer Wilson, editor of and and the free Intelligence Report newsletter (see sample hereregister here). The article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read.
Submit your own articles & article suggestions here (earn a “Hat Tip” acknowledgement) for posting consideration. Follow the munKNEE” daily posts via Twitter or Facebook. These paragraphs must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.)

Noonan goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

…The question of whether to buy gold and silver is an answer already known by almost all who read commentaries like this.  Should you continue to buy more is a question, the answer to which is apparent to most.  For us, it is the best way to survive what is going to be a worsening and even more brazen theft of whatever people have that is unprotected….

Will the price of gold and silver continue to go lower?  We think they will.  [Read: What the Charts Say About the Future Price Action of Gold & Silver]

Does that mean you should wait before buying more?  That has now become a personal decision that needs to be viewed in the context of what has been expressed above, and there are so many other instances that can be cited.

There is no single answer, no right answer.  However, one to be considered is the “averaging down” concept.  The notion is to average the cost of ownership of something over time.  Usually, buying something that is going down is not a good practice.  In this instance, it is different.  It is a matter of fiat fraud by central bankers and a matter of survival by those in opposition….

Our advice is to have a strategy to keep buying physical gold and silver, according to your own needs and circumstances, and be smart about it.  Do not think you can outdo those who are in control, at least in the short run.  Averaging down, in current circumstances, is a whole lot better than trying to pick a bottom.

As to the timing on when such a bottom may occur?  It could well be years from now, and that should be a realization in your personal strategy.  It could happen sooner, and most likely as a “surprise event,” where the prices of gold and silver will take off in a manner that will defy belief.  It can be anything in between.  Laws may be instituted making the purchase of gold and silver akin to an “act of terror” against the government.  No one knows how and when events will develop, and that is the point.

There is no right answer.  You cannot control what others do, especially those in power. You can control what you do.  Just keep buying, regardless of price, because if/when the price of gold and silver were to go lower, you may not be able to buy.  If/when the price of gold and silver were to go higher, it may be at such an accelerated rate that any price in the past few years seem cheap.

Ask yourself, how good are you at outperforming the market?  Then, act accordingly. Both gold and silver are now in confirmed downtrends.  It takes time to turn around a trend, and nothing will happen otherwise until we see evidence that buyers are gaining control, which certainly is not the case [at the moment].

(Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.)


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  1. Gols is gone forever as a safe haven. The printing presses are the new rulers of the monitary war. Remember we live in a do as I say society where the do’s make the values not the old fashioned believers.

  2. Great advice that all investors should take to heart and then spend time considering before changing the way they invest in PM’s. I particularly enjoyed his statement:

    “Ask yourself, how good are you at outperforming the market? Then, act accordingly.”

    While this might seem obvious to investors, I think it speaks volumes about the PROCESS one should use to maximize their PM holds while still being able to sleep well at night!

    I believe we have entered a new period of PM trading that has not happen before at least in our lifetimes! Now we are seeing the Central Banks work together to conspire against PMs’ value by enabling only very Wealthy Investors to sell naked shorts of PM’s and use flat paper money to do it with! This trade secret has artificially caused the values of PM’s to fall, which is now allowing these Central Banks to acquire additional Gold and Silver at bargain prices.

    The question everyone should be asking is not how low will the prices of PM’s go but how long until the value of PM’s starts climbing very rapidly as this trade secret becomes public knowledge?

    For those that truly believe that PM’s will continue provide fiscal security that flat money cannot, this is the time to review your holdings percentages and adjust them as necessary!

    Here is an analogy, you are filling up at the last gas station before starting to drive a very long distance across a large desert, what would you fill up on and/or buy before you left?