Saturday , 15 March 2025

These 10 Charts Should Put Your Mind at Ease Regarding Canada’s Oil Sands (+2K Views)

The following charts come straight from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers in an attempt to put the benefits and impact of Alberta, Canada’s oil sands into proper perspective from their point of view. Take a look and I think you will be favourably impressed. Words: 540

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  1. Canada is the largest supplier of crude oil and petroleum products to the U.S. followed primarily be Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Venezuela in that order and russia, Algeria, Iraq, Angola and Colombia to a much lesser extent. In fact, in 2010 energy products, including oil, natural gas and electricity, accounted for $103 billion worth of trade between Canada and the U.S. [This chart shows the number of barrels per day that are bought by the U.S. by each country.]
  2. Canada’s share of U.S. imports keep growing at the expense of declining supply from Mexico, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia decline. [This chart shows the percentage share growth since 2000.]
  3. Canada has the infrastructure to export crude oil from western Canada to eastern Canada, the U.S. and some offshore markets. [See chart here.]
  4. Employment in Canada as a result of new oil sands investments is expected to grow from 75,000 jobs in 2010 to 905,000 jobs in 2035 with 126,000 jobs being sourced in provinces other than Alberta. [This chart shows the economic benefits and employment generated over the next 25 years by Canadian provinces other than Alberta.]
  5. U.S. employment resulting from new oil sands developments is expected to grow from 21,000 jobs in 2010 to 465,000 jobs in 2035. [This chart shows such new employment by state.]
  6. Air quality in Fort McMurray, the center of sands oil production, is better than several North American cities – including Toronto, Dallas and Seattle.
  7. Wells-to-Wheels CO2 emissions from Alberta oil sands production, refining and oil transportation are actually less than from a number of other sources of crude oil. [This chart shows the levels from various sources.]
  8. Oil sands account for 6.5% of Canada’s GHG emissions and 0.1% (1/1000th) of global GHG emissions. [This chart shows Canada’s GHG emissions by sector.]
  9. A single coal fired power plant in Illinois emitted 10.8 million tonnes of GHGs in 2009. This is equivalent to about 25% of all GHG emissions from Canada’s oil sands industry. [This chart depicts the proportion of GHG emissions to many jurisdictions in North America by Canadian oil sands, Canadian coal-fired power generating plants and U.S. coal-fired power generating plants.]
  10. Alberta’s oil sands lie under 54,900 sq. miles of land. Only 3% of the land surface can be mined because the other area reserves are too deep.
  11. The total area that could be impacted by mining is about 3% the size of Florida, rather than the size of the entire Florida as some organizations claim. [This chart shows just how small the land is that could be impacted by oil sands mining and the current active mining footprint and compares that with city geographic footprints in Canada, the U.S. and Europe.]
  12. The oil and gas industry of Alberta uses less than 1/3 of its total water allocation per year. [This chart shows Alberta’s usuage of water by sector.]

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