Friday , 14 March 2025

Buy Gold NOW Ahead of Further QE – Here's Why

Due to high unemployment and a weak recovery world central bankers are focused on weakening their currencies to boost exports. [As such,] I think [even more] quantitative easing and other currency intervention is in our future…[and this will further increase]…both inflation and the price of gold. Let me explain with a few charts.] Words: 350

So says Bear Fight (pseudonym) in edited excerpts from the original article* as posted at
Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!) has edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) the article below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.
The articles goes on to say, in part:

Further QE to Cause Higher Inflation and Rise in Gold Price

The chart below [of] the U.S. monetary base, the price of gold and the U.S. consumer price index [clearly] shows [that] gold prices and the consumer price index have responded to historical growth in growth of the monetary base.

[The price of] gold experienced a euphoric bubble in the 1980s when gold exceeded the monetary base [and during this current] 10 year bull market in the price of gold the growth in the monetary base has kept pace [see chart below].

Investor Gold Holdings Only at 0.96% of Assets

Similar to the first chart outlining the bubble territory in the 1980s, [the chart below shows that] gold as a percentage of assets was three times higher in 1980 [than currently is the case]…


While I believe that QE3 will be a catalyst for further increases in the price of gold, similar to QE1 and QE2, the thesis on gold is not linked to another QE program. The thesis on gold is simply monetary debasement by world governments and debt growth since 1971.


Why spend time surfing the internet looking for informative and well-written articles on the health of the economies of the U.S., Canada and Europe; the development and implications of the world’s financial crisis and the various investment opportunities that present themselves related to commodities (gold and silver in particular) and the stock market when we do it for you. We assess hundreds of articles every day, identify the best and then post edited excerpts of them to provide you with a fast and easy read.

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