If you are tired of spending hours each week surfing the net or even visiting your up-to-now favourite financial site looking for articles that are extremely informative, relatively brief and very well-written, then go no further than munKNEE.com. Here is a sampling of articles posted on the site this past week related to what is happening in the economy and the gold market and what the future holds for its price. Words: 1628
Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com
(Your Key to Making Money!) searches for the latest articles of substance to be found on the internet each day and then presents them in an edited and abridged fashion to provide the reader with a fast and easy read. Also of major merit is the “Related Articles” section under each article that provides titles, introductory paragraphs and hyperlinks to such related articles to provide for as much additional insight into the topic of interest as you have time for without having to search elsewhere.
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Below are introductory paragraphs and links to the articles posted on munKNEE over the past 7 days just on investing and the economy.
Do we really honest-to-God no-fingers-crossed cherry-on-top believe that the powers-that-be will simply allow us to mosey up to the cashiers cage and redeem or convert our Gold for whatever monetary unit reigns supreme or is created [should our current financial system and currencies collapse? As such,] IF there comes a time when the best move forward is to sell most of our Gold and switch to another asset class, one more likely to survive the transition intact, will we be able to see this as obvious and a no brainer? [Let me explain what could well happen and the effect such a development would have on all things Gold.] Words: 3037
2. It’s ALL Here! Why Gold is Declining and What the Future Holds
So much has been written over the past 4 months about why the price of gold has be misbehaving that I think you will appreciate having links to all the best articles, as posted on munKNEE.com, that explain the situation from a variety of perspectives. In addition to a greater understanding of what is happening to the price of gold and why I am sure you would like to have some insights into just where the price of gold (and silver, by extension) is going in the weeks, months and years to come. To that end I have again posted links to the most enlightening articles on the subject for your review. Frankly, virtually nothing more can be written on the current and future pricing of gold than you will find in this summary article so read on and take action according to the conclusions you come to as a result of being fully informed. Words: 1975
3. $10,000 Gold is Coming in 2012/13! Here’s Why
I am increasingly confident that the consequences of fragile sovereign debt, precious metals market manipulation, insufficient physical supply, and the need for a safe haven investment refuge, will contribute to rampant price inflation and drive precious metals bullion and mining stock to a parabolic peak price of $10,000 sometime in 2012 or 2013 at the […]
4. Momentum Trading Generated a 40% Return for Gold in 2011! Here’s How
Assessing the relative levels of greed and fear in the market at a given point in time is an effective way of timing the market. This article outlines the 6 most popular momentum indicators and concludes that trading gold using just 3 of the indicators would have generated an annual return of 39.6% compared to the YTD buy-and-hold return of only about 13%! Let me explain how, why and where they should be used and examine their specific application relative to the price movements in gold and the HUI. Words: 1450
5. Your Portfolio Isn’t Adequately Diversified Without 7-15% in Precious Metals – Here’s Why
The traditional view of portfolio management is that three asset classes, stocks, bonds and cash, are sufficient to achieve diversification. This view is, quite simply, wrong because over the past 10 years gold, silver and platinum have singularly outperformed virtually all major widely accepted investment indexes. Precious metals should be considered an independent asset class and an allocation to precious metals, as the most uncorrelated asset group, is essential for proper portfolio diversification. [Let me explain.] Words: 2137
6. Gold Bullion, Stocks or Bonds: Which Have More Long-term Investment Risk?
In proclaiming buy-and-hold investing to be dead, the pseudo-experts masquerading as financial advisors have abandoned the fundamental principle of investing: buying undervalued assets – and then giving those assets the time necessary to mature. Instead, these charlatans have forced their clients to become short-term gamblers. Worse still, they are now consistently steering their clients toward the worst possible asset-classes, stocks and bonds, rather than the best ones [simply because they do not] understand the fundamental conceptual difference between risk and volatility. In a market populated by panicked lemmings, we cannot avoid volatility. However, we can and must reduce risk – which begins by building an allocation of history’s true safe haven asset, precious metals. [Let me explain more about what risk and volatility are and are not.] Words: 1080
7. Don’t Invest in the Stock Market Without Reading This Article First
History has shown that investors who stick to disciplined, fundamental-focused strategies give themselves a good chance of beating the market over the long haul and James O’Shaughnessy has compiled data that stretches back to before the Great Depression…back-tested numerous strategies, and has come to some very intriguing conclusions. [Let me share some of them with you.] Words: 1325
8. Where are Gold & Equities in the 3 Phases of Bull & Bear Markets?
Have you ever thought about when to get into an investment and when to get out? Nearly all bull and bear markets have three distinct phases, and if you learn to recognize them you will significantly increase your chances of getting in while the market still has room to go up, and getting out before the bull market is over and people start to sell en masse. Words: 1200
The Chinese and Indian stock markets have dropped over 20% in the last 6 months meeting the common definition of a bear market. Last week both of them tumbled further to below their lows of more than two years ago contributing significantly to the recent major sell-off in gold. In fact, elevated risk of housing and credit bubbles in China and India is creating the next financial perfect storm – which does not bode well for gold or silver. Words: 632
10. Get Ready for Financial Crisis 2.0 in 2012 – It’s Inevitable! Here’s Why
This analyst sees the perfect storm of converging criteria almost perfectly timed and aligned with the 2012 election cycle. When the moment arrives, the financial earthquake will rapidly demolish the existing highly precarious financial system. Government will stand by helpless, unable to shield itself, much less its vulnerable citizens or private financial institutions from the tsunami of debt and currency destruction. 2012 is shaping up to be the blockbuster main event of the ongoing financial crisis. Massive amounts of new debt, vast quantities of additional digital dollars and the spark of higher interest rates will set off version 2.0 of the credit-driven financial implosion. Let me explain. Words: 1443
11. What is Money – Really – and Why Do We Need to Own Gold – Really?
Have you ever wondered what money really is [and why we need to own some gold as a result]? You’ll notice that everyone you read has a strong opinion , but who’s right? [Let look at the situation and see if we can come to an answer that we both can agree on.] Words: 3086
As economic and political matters become more desperate in the U.S., so will what the government considers acceptable. If a debt default cannot be engineered via continuous inflation as the Fed’s current money-printing is attempting to do, it will occur via a direct repudiation of obligations or a quasi-surreptitious one such the hypothetical one I present in this article. Here is… a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight[ – and your financial well-being too]. Words: 1365
13. It is Imperative to Save in Physical Gold Not Stocks or Bonds! Here’s Why
This article clearly demonstrate how the millions of investors who invested in the stock market over the past decade actually fared when their performance was measured in gold instead of dollars. You will be shocked at how poorly they (and you?) have really done and you, too, will come to the consclusion that – investing in the stock market is for losers. Words: 790
Evidence shows that the U.S. money supply trend is in the early stages of hyperbolic growth coupled with a similar move in the price of gold. All sign point to a further escalation of money-printing in 2012…followed by unexpected and accelerating price inflation, followed by a rise in nominal interest rates that will bring a sovereign debt crisis for the U. S. dollar with it as the cost of borrowing for the government escalates…[Let me show you the evidence.] Words: 660
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