Friday , 17 January 2025

Update: These 113 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go Parabolic to $3,000 or More! (+10K Views)

$5,000 Gold Bandwagon Now Includes 86 Analysts!

Lorimer Wilson with Gold Bar Editor-in-Chief Lorimer Wilson Holding a Gold Bar

More and more economists, analysts and financial writers, 125 in fact, have taken the bold step of projecting the price at which gold will achieve its parabolic peak with 5 individuals claiming that the peak price will be realized sometime in 2011. Some have adjusted their previous prognostications higher given gold’s strong advance again in 2010 while others have jumped aboard what has become a bandwagon of optimism. The majority (85) maintain that $5,000 or more for gold is possible. Words: 826




Editors’s Note: For an even more updated version of this article please go here:


Lorimer Wilson, Editor of and, identifies the 125 analysts by name with their price projections and time  frame. To access and assess their rationale for  such parabolic moves in  the coming years go here to find the URL links to the articles in which their prognostications were put forth. Please note that this complete paragraph, and a link back to the original article*, must be included in any article posting or re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

These 5 Analysts Believe Gold Will Reach Parabolic Peak Sometime in 2011

  • 1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000;
  • 2. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000;
  • 3. James Dines: $3,000 – $5,000;
  • 4. Taran Marwah: $3,000;
  • 5. Jim Sinclair: $3,000 – $5,000 (by June 2011);

These 7 Analysts See Gold Price Going Parabolic to +$10,000

  • 1. Mike Maloney: $15,000;
  • 2. Ben Davies: $10,000 – $15,000;
  • 3. Howard Katz: $14,000;
  • 4. Dr. Jeffrey Lewis: $7,000 – $14,000;
  • 5. Jim Rickards: $4,000 – $11,000;
  • 6. Roland Watson: $10,800
  • 7. Goldrunner: $10,000 – $12,000

Editor’s Note: Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE weekly “Top 100 Stock Market, Asset Ratio & Economic Indicators in Review

These 46 Analysts See Gold Price Peaking Between $5,001 and $10,000

  • 1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000 (by 2011);
  • 2. Arnold Bock: $10,000 (by 2012);
  • 3. Porter Stansberry: $10,000 (by 2012);
  • 4.  Peter George: $10,000 (by Dec. 2015);
  • 5. Tom Fischer: $10,000;
  • 6. Shayne McGuire: $10,000;
  • 7. Eric Hommelberg: $10,000;
  • 8. David Petch: $6,000 – $10,000;
  • 9. Gerald Celente: $6,000 – $10,000;
  • 10. Egon von Greyerz: $6,000 – $10,000;
  • 11. Peter Schiff: $5,000 – $10,000 (in 5 to 10 years);
  • 12. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000 (by 2011);
  • 13. Peter Millar: $5,000 – $10,000;
  • 14. Roger Wiegand: $5,000 – $10,000;
  • 15. Alf Field: $4,250 – $10,000;
  • 16. Jeff Nielson: $3,000 – $10,000;
  • 17. Dennis van Ek: $9,000 (by 2015);
  • 18. Dominic Frisby: $8,500;
  • 19. Paul Brodsky: $8,000;
  • 20. James Turk: $8,000 (by 2015);
  • 21. Joseph Russo: $7,000 – $8,000;
  • 22. Bob Chapman: $7,700+;
  • 23. Michael Rozeff: $2,865 – $7,151;
  • 24. Jim Willie: $7,000;
  • 25. Dylan Grice: $6,300;
  • 26. Chris Mack: $6,241.64 (by 2015);
  • 27. Chuck DiFalco: $6,214 (by 2018);
  • 28. Jeff Clark: $6,214;
  • 29. Aubie Baltin: $6,200 (by 2017);
  • 30. Murray Sabrin: $6,153;
  • 31. Samuel “Bud” Kress: $6,000 (by 2014);
  • 32. Adam Hamilton: $6,000;
  • 33. Robert Kientz: $6,000;
  • 34. Harry Schultz: $6,000;
  • 35. John Bougearel: $6,000;
  • 36. David Tice: $5,000 – $6,000;
  • 37. Laurence Hunt: $5,000 – $6,000 (by 2019);
  • 38. Taran Marwah: $3,000 – $6,000+ (by Dec. 2011 and Dec. 2012, respectively);
  • 39. Martin Hutchinson: $3,100 – $5,700;
  • 40. Stephen Leeb: $5,500 (by 2015);
  • 41. Louise Yamada: $5,200;
  • 42. Jeremy Charlesworth: $5,000+;
  • 43. Przemyslaw Radomski: $5,000+;
  • 44. Jason Hamlin: $5,000+;
  • 45. Greg McCoach: $5,000+ (by 2012)
  • 46. David McAlvany: $5,000+
  • Cumulative sub-total: 52

These 33 Analysts Believe Gold Price Could Go As High As $5,000

  • 1. David Rosenberg: $5,000;
  • 2. Doug Casey: $5,000;
  • 3. Peter Cooper: $5,000;
  • 4. Robert McEwen: $5,000 (by 2012 -2014);
  • 5. Martin Armstrong: $5,000 (by 2016);
  • 6. Peter Krauth: $5,000;
  • 7. Tim Iacono: $5,000 (by 2017);
  • 8. Christopher Wyke: $5,000;
  • 9. Frank Barbera: $5,000;
  • 10. John Lee: $5,000;
  • 11. Barry Dawes: $5,000;
  • 12. Bob Lenzer: $5,000 (by 2015);
  • 13. Steve Betts: $5,000;
  • 14. Stewart Thomson: $5,000;
  • 15. Charles Morris: $5,000 (by 2015);
  • 16. Marvin Clark: $5,000 (by 2015?);
  • 17. Eric Sprott: $5,000;
  • 18. Nathan Narusis: $5,000;
  • 19. Bud Conrad: $4,000 – $5,000;
  • 20. Paul Mylchreest: $4,000 -$5,000;
  • 21. Pierre Lassonde: $4,000 – $5,000;
  • 22. Willem Middelkoop: $4,000 – $5,000;
  • 23. Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 – $5,000 (by February 2012);
  • 24. James Dines: $3,000 – $5,000 (by June 2011);
  • 25. Bill Murphy: $3,000 – $5,000;
  • 26. Bill Bonner: $3,000 – $5,000;
  • 27. Peter Degraaf; $2,500 – $5,000;
  • 28. Eric Janszen: $2,500 – $5,000;
  • 29. Larry Jeddeloh: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2013);
  • 30. Larry Edelson: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2015);
  • 31. Luke Burgess: $2,000 – $5,000;
  • 32. Jim Sinclair: $3,000-$5,000 (by June 2011);
  • 33. Marc Faber: $1,500 – $5,000
  • Cumulative sub-total: 86

These 27 Analysts Believe Gold Will Achieve a Parabolic Peak Price Between $3,000 and $4,999

  • 1. David Moenning: $4,525;
  • 2. Larry Reaugh: $4,000+; 
  • 3. Mike Knowles: $4,000;
  • 4. Ian Gordon/Christopher Funston: $4,000;
  • 5. Barry Elias: $4,000; (by 2020);
  • 6. Jay Taylor: $3,000 – $4,000;
  • 7. Christian Barnard: $2,500 -$4,000;
  • 8. John Paulson: $2,400 – $4,000 (by 2012);
  • 9. Myles Zyblock: $3,800;
  • 10. Eric Roseman: $3,500+;
  • 11. Christopher Wood: $3,360;
  • 12. Franklin Sanders: $3,130;
  • 13. John Henderson: $3,000+ (by 2015-17);
  • 14. Michael Berry: $3,000+; (by 2015)
  • 15. Hans Goetti: $3,000;
  • 16. Michael Yorba: $3,000;
  • 17. David Urban: $3,000;
  • 18. Mitchell Langbert: $3,000;
  • 19. Brett Arends: $3,000;
  • 20. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: $3,000;
  • 21. John Williams: $3,000;
  • 22. Byron King: $3,000;
  • 23. Ron Paul: $3,000 (by 2020);
  • 24. Chris Weber: $3,000 (by 2020);
  • 25. Mark Leibovit: $3,000;
  • 26. Mark O’Byrne: $3,000;
  • 27. Kevin Kerr: $3,000
  • Cumulative sub-total: 113

These 12 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go to Between $2,500 and $3,000

  • 1. Ian McAvity: $2,500 – $3,000 (by 2012);
  • 2. Jeffrey Nichols: $2,000 – $3,000;
  • 3. Graham French: $2,000 – $3,000;
  • 4. Bank of America Merrill Lynch: $2,000 – $3,000;
  • 5. Joe Foster: $2,000 – $3,000 (by 2019);
  • 6. David Morgan: $2,900;
  • 7. Sascha Opel: $2,500+;
  • 8. Rick Rule: $2,500 (by 2013);
  • 9. Daniel Brebner: $2,500;
  • 10. James DiGeorgia: $2,500;
  • 11. Peter Hambro: $2,500 (by 2012);
  • 12. Charles Nenner: $2,500 (by 2012 – 2013)
  • Grand Total: 125

There you have it. Who would have believed that so many distinguished analysts would maintain that gold, and by implication, silver, are likely to achieve such lofty levels as a result of the effects of our current financially troubled and volatile times? Their rationale is varied but each is sound in its own right.

Given the above price projections I think those who have yet to hop on the gold bandwagon should do so now and ride it home with substantial returns.

Yes, indeed, “Got Gold?”

Please note: If you believe you have found a name or two missing from the above list of prognosticators I would appreciate you sending me ( his/her name and the URL of the article in which the individual states his/her case so I can keep this article updated with the most comprehensive list available. To be included in the list only projections of gold achieving a parabolic top of at least $2,500 per ounce, accompanied by sound reasons, will be considered.


Editor’s Note:

  • Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given as per paragraph 2 above.
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  1. First of all you forgot Martin Armstrong … gold over $ 5000 is very conservative . Can’t confirm the date but I think it was 2015 .
    2nd : You misquoted Jim Sinclair … only $ 1650 for Jan. 2011 is correct .
    What about silver ? But don’t ask James Turk .. he is always wrong .


  2. Hi Mr. Wilson
    Why not also look at guys like Bob Precher who may look at gold going the other way?

    I follow guys like Sprott, Casey, Schiff, Stansberry, Weiss, Morgan, Martenson, Edelson, Swanson, Celente and a few more – but I love your list.

    Don Wentz

  3. Everyone is correct! The dollar will fail as do all fiat currencies. Therefore gold will surpass above all these predictions as
    measured in dollars. BUT not yet. We still have a lot of
    deleveraging that is to occur in winding down our debt bubble.
    For now this will keep a lid on gold and create somewhat of demand for dollars as payment. However, once this process
    is complete you better fasten your seatbelt because gold will
    head for the moon and take silver along for the ride. This of
    course will equal anarchy and civil unrest. Therefore it is to be
    expected that the Gov will pass laws preventing ownership of gold.
    So you better trade your gold into a strong currency when gold gets half way to its moon destination.

  4. All this depends on the actions taken by the FED.

    If you think that Bernanke and Co will raise interest rates and stop printing money (bearing the full burden of paying almost all of our budget to pay just the interest on the debt, or maybe the magical debt fairy will wave her wand and make it all disappear) then gold is overpriced and due for a fall.

    If you believe that Bernanke and Co have no choice but to artificially keep interest rates as low as possible and print as many dollars as politically possible in order to keep the lid on the interest on the national debt (eventually bringing the dollar to its inevitable demise), then the sky is the limit for gold. $10,000 an ounce may be a bargain.

    I believe the latter. Lets say they DO raise interest rates and they DO stop printing money. How will the Federal Govt make up its budget shortfall? What will happen to the housing sector when millions of mortgages reset several basis points higher? What will happen to the banks holding these loans? What about the derivatives that are in place waiting to cash in on such an event? Who has $600 trillion dollars lying around? Will the government and the Fed let that all happen or would they try to interfere? If they DO interfere, would it be in the form of more bailouts and more QE? What would that do to the dollar? What would that do to gold and silver? What would that do to food and energy?

    So if they can’t raise rates and stop printing, then the path they are currently on is the only path available. If they keep injecting liquidity, do smaller bailouts, and prop up the banks, then the dollar will die by a million cuts rather than by one catastrophic event. Gold and silver will rise slower and over time. That is the only chance they have. However catastrophic events will make this strategy fail much quicker than they think.

    The next Leeman Brothers?

  5. All I know for sure is that, by investing in gold, silver, oil and mining companies in my IRA, I have made over twice what I earned working for a living over the last two years. I have no reason to doubt that this will continue…

  6. Perhaps the trend is becoming clear!

    Some are too eager. An early arrival would be due to a very serious crisis.

    My hope is that when there is no other defensible choice, our leaders will do the right thing, and that is because they are listening to what we as citizens truly need and want.

    Laurence Hunt ($5,000 – $6,000 by 2019 as per #37 in article)

  7. Hello,

    I’d like to be included in your list of analysts. I am forecasting the gold silver ration to decline to 10:1 by the middle of 2013, with gold at $6,000 and silver at $600.

    I just wrote a response to the WSJ hit piece published the day after Christmas. You might find it enjoyable:

    Thank you.


  8. Dear Mr. Wilson —

    Hopefully, without sounding like I’m trying to toot my own horn, I’m responding to your request for authors you didn’t include in your current article.

    In case you missed it, I published an article on gold-eagle on 11/16/10
    with your earlier article in mind.

    Perhaps you did read it and simply totally dismissed it as being from some looney person. Perhaps you’re right, but I’ve made a lot of money for the clients I’ve encouraged to place substantial amounts of their savings into gold investments since 1966.

    In my article, I said: “One article I can recall (but can’t find the printout I made) suggested that there are 74 different predictions, ranging from $4,000/oz to as high as $40,0000, if I remember correctly. Well, I’m writing to tell you that they are all guesses, and they are all WRONG!!!”

    Perhaps you considered my statement irrational, but if you live long enough (and that may be very likely), you will see the dollar totally debunked, and gold at unimagined heights (such as infinity).

    If you choose to quote me in the future, feel free. But whether you do or not, I’ll still continue to accumulate gold and silver to pass on to our three children and two grandchildren.

    Jack Weber

  9. Dear Mr. Wilson,
    I write for Bill Murphy who has been publishing my writings for over 3 years now under the name “Bill H.” in LeMetropole. I have written numerous times that NO ONE can forecast a Gold price with any accuracy for the following reasons:

    Gold priced in Dollars necessitates that we know for sure:
    a) how much Gold is owned and unencumbered by the U.S. which we may never know since there has been no audit since 1956
    b) how much money supply currently exists. We have an idea but M-3 is no longer published so this is a little sketchy
    c) how much “future” money supply will be coming on line, ie. how many “QE’s” are in our future. As Jim Sinclair has written, “QE to infinity” which now looks to be almost a lock given funding needs, tax receipts and the likelihood of higher interest rates and thus funding and borrowing costs
    d) the true amount of debt and future liabilities (promises) outstanding which has been a bone of contention for years now.

    The above are all variables of which not one can be pinpointed with any accuracy which is why I say that any Gold forecast is merely a guess or hunch. I will only say that Gold will rise parabolically and where it stops nobody does nor can know!

    Under the circumstances of a complete Dollar collapse where it is no longer accepted, even a cup of cold coffee will rise to infinity in Dollar terms which then begs the question, how many cups of coffee equals 1 ounce of Gold?

    I believe that when all is said and done
    a)the Dollar will be replaced and another currency erected with some sort of hard asset or ratio backing to it and
    b)IF this does not happen and the Dollar is allowed to continue on its present hyperinflationary path, all bets are off and $15,000 may only buy you 1/10th of an ounce or even just 1 gram!

    Call me a nut or laugh at me but think this through because mathematically THIS is exactly where we are headed and unfortunately the point of no return is in the rear view mirror!

    Regards, Bill Holter