Sunday , 16 March 2025

Why is Nouriel Roubini Called Doctor Doom? Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Nouriel Roubini is known for his pessimistic views on the health of the global economy and his nickname is Doctor Doom. Bloomberg TV recently put together a short video highlighting Roubini’s most bold and sharpest quotes from the past year, which is definitely worth a watch (see here).

So says Myles Meserve in a post at which is made available by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.


Other Articles Mentioning Roubini:

1. Nouriel Roubini: 2013 Perfect Storm Scenario Unfolding as Predicted! OK Nouriel, So What Do You Suggest Investors Do??


Other than telling us how smart they are, I am not sure what economists like “Dr. Doom” Nouriel Roubini accomplish with repeated warnings that, ultimately, amount to little more than self-aggrandizing and incessant self-promotion. Roubini’s continued calls for Armageddon provide as much utility as a Southern California traffic report. The 405 is jammed and so is every nearby alternate route, so just stay where you are. Even meteorologists offer more useful information. There’s a heat wave — seek shade, drink plenty of water. Or it’s going to rain, grab an umbrella as you head out the door.

2. More Roubini: Fed May Not be Able to Prevent Next Stock Market Plunge


Nouriel Roubini thinks things could get bad after the U.S. presidential elections in November, so bad that the Fed may not be able to prevent the next stock market plunge, and may even go so far as to buy stocks to keep things afloat at some point. Read on to find out what else Dr. Doom thinks might be in store for us.] Words: 310

3. Campbell Comments On: “Is This 1931 All Over Again? Krugman, Roubini and Ferguson Think So!”


Why read: It is foolish not to consider the possibility of depression, particularly in the face of the preponderance of commentary over the past many months that rampant inflation is on the horizon. [Here I review, analyze and comment on one such article on that possibility.] Words: 697

4. Nouriel Roubini: Economic Clouds Are Rolling In From Every Direction – Batten Down the Hatches!


Dark…financial and economic clouds are, it seems, rolling in from every direction: the eurozone, the United States, China, and elsewhere. Indeed, the global economy in 2013 could be a very difficult environment in which to find shelter.

5. Nouriel Roubini: Global Economy Faces These 4 Major Downside Risks


While recent developments seem to suggest some positive news for the global economy, there are at least four downside risks that could materialize this year – undermining global growth and eventually negatively affecting investor confidence and market valuations of risky assets. [Let me spell them out.] Words: 933

 6. Nouriel Roubini: Ignore the Recent Favourable Macroeconomic Data – US Economy to Remain Weak – Here’s Why


Recent favourable macroeconomic data has suggested that the U.S. economy could be back on track but the recent uplift in the economy only hides more fundamental problems…[The truth of the matter is that] US economic growth will remain weak and below trend throughout 2012 as a result of net exports continuing to be a drag and the Fed being unable, in the face of political constraints, [to do enough, soon enough,] to help the economy significantly… [Let me explain more fully why that is going to be the case.] Words: 950

7. Nouriel Roubini: Bold and Aggressive Policy Actions Necessary to Prevent a Depression


The latest economic data suggests that recession is returning to most advanced economies, with financial markets now reaching levels of stress unseen since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The risks of an economic and financial crisis even worse than the previous one – now involving not just the private sector, but also near-insolvent sovereigns – are significant. So, what can be done to minimize the fallout of another economic contraction and prevent a deeper depression and financial meltdown? [Below I recommend 8 ways that would do just that.] Words: 1641

8. Roubini, Schiff, Rosenberg and Whitney Agree: Another Recession Is At Hand! Here’s Why


Michael Spence, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, believes there’s “probably a 50%” chance of the global economy slipping into recession. Noriel Roubini disagrees and says flatly that a recession is coming and that it is a mission impossible now to stop it. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank places the odds at 85% of a recession. David Rosenberg, another very savvy economist, says that by 2012, the chance of a second recession is 99%. Peter Schiff, who with Roubini, correctly and accurately predicted the collapse on Wall Street and ensuing recession, thinks one is 100% certain. [Let’s take a look at why they hold such views.] Words: 829

9. Nouriel Roubini: How to Avoid a Double-Dip Global Recession

There is an ongoing debate among global policymakers about when and how fast to exit from the strong monetary and fiscal stimulus that prevented the Great Recession of 2008-2009 from turning into a new Great Depression. Germany and the European Central Bank are pushing aggressively for early fiscal austerity; the United States is worried about the risks of excessively early fiscal consolidation. Words: 957

10. Roubini: Hunker Down for More Job Losses

Think the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. We can expect that job losses will continue until the end of 2010 at the earliest. In other words, if you are unemployed and looking for work and just waiting for the economy to turn the corner, you had better hunker down. All the economic numbers suggest this will take a while. The jobs just are not coming back. Words: 536

11. Fiscal Responsibility and the ‘Greater Fool’ Theory

Many households, financial and non-financial firms and government, may well spend the next decade in debtor’s prison having to tighten their belts to pay for the losses inflicted by a decade of reckless leverage, over-consumption and risk taking. What fools we have been for living beyond our means all these years and taking no fiscal responsibility for our future well-being in the false hope that there always would be a ‘greater fool’ out there than us. Words: 1230