Wednesday , 22 January 2025

We Are Heading Deeper and Deeper Into Fiscal Insanity! Here's Why

The definition of insanity is to continue doing something that goes wrong, without contemplating that there could be a different course of action…[and we] are heading deeper and deeper into insanity…we are just getting deeper and deeper into problems leaving our children and grandchildren with loans that could well take decades to finish (paying) off. I fear we are now stoking up the conditions, at some point in the future, for serious inflation.

So says Nigel Farage in edited excerpts from a King World News interview, as provided by Lorimer wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

In the interview Farage goes on to say:

We have to remember that inflation is a disease of money that is predominantly caused by governments. We should stop creating trillions and trillions of fresh, false money but, at the moment, the electorate are allowing them to get away with it. Nothing has been done to deal with the sovereign debt crisis and, whilst, for the moment, the banks may feel that the pressure is off, fundamentally nothing has changed. I still believe that we’ve got very big problems around the corner.

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Farage’s interview can be read in its entirety here or you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

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