Wednesday , 29 January 2025

This Interactive Table of Commodity Returns Is Easy to Use – Try It

Natural resources are the building blocks of the world, essential to progress and prosperity. These commodities, like all investments, can have wide price fluctuations over time. The interactive table provided shows the ebb and flow of commodity prices over the past decade and illustrates the principle of mean reversion—the concept that returns eventually move back towards their mean or average. [Take a look.]

So says an introduction to the interactive table (see here) from U.S. Global Investors ( which (Your Key to making Money!) is proud to present in its ongoing endeavour to bring its readers the most informative articles/infographics in as concise a manner as possible . This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

The introduction goes on to say:

The price movement of commodities is historically both seasonal and cyclical. That’s why when investing in natural resources, we believe your portfolio should hold a diversified basket of commodities actively managed by professionals who understand these specialized assets and the global trends impacting them.

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