Thursday , 13 March 2025

The Next Great Financial Crisis Is Coming In 2nd Half of 2015 (+3K Views)

Some really weird things are happening in the financial world right now.  If you go back to 2008, there was lots of turmoil bubbling just underneath the surface during the months leading up to the great stock market crash in the second half of that year…and I believe that we are in a similar period right now, and the second half of this year promises to be quite chaotic. 

The above comments, and those below, have been edited by (Your Key to Making Money!) for the sake of clarity [] and brevity (…) to provide a fast and easy read and have been excerpted from an article* by Michael Snyder.

Apparently, those that run some of the largest exchange-traded funds in the entire world agree with me, because as you will see below they are quietly preparing for a “liquidity crisis” and a “market meltdown”.

About a month ago, I warned of an emerging “liquidity squeeze“, and now analysts all over the financial industry are talking about it.  Could it be possible that the next great financial crisis is right around the corner? I think that the chaos that is coming is not just going to affect bonds but that the greatest stock market crash in U.S. history is coming. Please read the original article in its entirety as it supports said contention.

Once the financial markets crash this time, I believe that there is not going to be any sort of a “recovery” like we experienced after 2008.  I believe that the long-term economic collapse that we have been experiencing will accelerate very greatly, and it will usher in a horrible period of time for the United States unlike anything that we have ever seen before. So what do you think? Could I be wrong? Have your say on the subject via:

We’d like to know what you have to say.

Original Source

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