Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: wage stagnation

This Economic Recovery Is A Grand Illusion – Here Are 8 Reasons Why (+3K Views)

Is this economic recovery real? Well, if you base your observations on how far the Dow has risen since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the answer would be a yes. However, if you do just a little cursory digging you will notice that this economic recovery is nothing but a grand illusion. The following 8 factors clearly prove that this recovery is not real.

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Piling On Debt Has Destroyed the “American Dream” – Here’s Why

The American Dream--characterized by plentiful jobs offering living wages, security and opportunities to get ahead--is over....Piling on debt is not a solution; it's simply a politically expedient method to forestall the crisis, while guaranteeing the eventual repricing will be even more severe because the debt load is then so much larger. If you think otherwise, I strongly recommend that you reduce your dosage of Delusionol.

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What is the Primary Reason for Lack of Economic Growth in America? Here is the Answer

The widespread stagnation in wages, rather than the level of unemployment, may offer a better explanation for the failure of economic growth to accelerate two years after the end of the recession. Workers’ ability to negotiate higher earnings won’t return until the job market strengthens, and flagging confidence has raised the risk that consumers may retrench. [Let us explain.] Words: 1018

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