Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

How Bond Prices and Yields Work

When we talk about investing, we frequently talk about stocks as they are likely to make up a the bulk of your investment portfolio during the majority of your investing years but bonds can be a helpful part of your investment mix at any age, and it's important to understand how they work — even if you don't own many of them right now. This article examines bonds and why we should pay close attention to them these days.

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The Ins & Outs Of Having TIPS And/Or TIPS ETFs In Your Portfolio

Inflation expectations have been on the rise since before the U.S. election, but markets are now more convinced of higher inflation to come due to President-elect Trump’s talk of fiscal stimulus and tax cuts. Measured by break-evens in the Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) market, inflation expectations for the next 10 years rose to 1.93%, the highest level since the summer of 2015. The long decline in inflation seems to be turning, as the CPI climbed 1.6% year-over-year, the most in two years. This changing environment has piqued investor interest in TIPS, and in turn, TIPS ETFs.

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How to Protect Your Portfolio From Inflation (+2K Views)

Inflation lurks in the shadows. It destroys value by gradually eroding real returns over time. It is financial death by a thousand cuts. Investors too often look at "the numbers" in their portfolio without asking what those numbers can actually buy over time. It's a classic mistake that John Maynard Keynes termed "money illusion."

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Investors: Focus NOW on Gold & Silver Miners – Here's Why

Millions of investors have stormed into US Treasuries. Some have even settled for negative yields on Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). They are making a terrible mistake, [however,] because right now a handful of gold mining stocks offer much more upside and immediate yield than T-bonds. [Let me explain.] Words: 1119

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The CPI, TIPS and Protecting Yourself From Inflation: What You Need to Know

Many investors are worried about inflation and, as a result, are considering buying inflation indexed bonds and other inflation protected investment vehicles. They may be setting themselves up for significant losses, however, because of the way the government is now calculating the CPI, and the further changes being proposed. In the opinion of this writer, the CPI calculation appears to be inaccurate and, as a result, such investments may not be appropriate inflation hedges. [Let me explain.] Words: 1533

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