Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: sovereign debt crisis

We Are Heading Deeper and Deeper Into Fiscal Insanity! Here's Why

The definition of insanity is to continue doing something that goes wrong, without contemplating that there could be a different course of action...[and we] are heading deeper and deeper into insanity...we are just getting deeper and deeper into problems leaving our children and grandchildren with loans that could well take decades to finish (paying) off. I fear we are now stoking up the conditions, at some point in the future, for serious inflation.

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Financial Repression: How Sneaky Governments Steal Your Money

One of the things that's being lost in the welter of rhetoric around the debt crises of sovereign nations is that these are not normal debtors, and government debt is not the same as personal debt. If you or I are in debt we are obliged to fulfil the terms of our repayment obligations or to go bankrupt or to pretend to die and go off and live on the life insurance. A country in the same situation has a range of other measures available to it...[Let's explore their options and what their implications would be for the country and its citizens.] Words: 1145

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True Money Supply Is Already Hyperinflationary! What’s Next? (+3K Views)

Economists are telling central banks to accelerate monetary growth even avoid a bank balance sheet implosion with all the deflationary consequences that implies. [As such,] the prospects for 2012, and thereafter, are for Total Money Supply to continue its hyperbolic trend - and when such a trend becomes established it becomes almost impossible to stop because the whole debt-based economy and the banking system would collapse. [Let me explain further.] Words: 550

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2012: More Money-printing Leading to Accelerating Inflation, Rising Interest Rates & Then U.S. Debt Crisis! Got Gold? (+4K Views)

Evidence shows that the U.S. money supply trend is in the early stages of hyperbolic growth coupled with a similar move in the price of gold. All sign point to a further escalation of money-printing in 2012...followed by unexpected and accelerating price inflation, followed by a rise in nominal interest rates that will bring a sovereign debt crisis for the U. S. dollar with it as the cost of borrowing for the government escalates...[Let me show you the evidence.] Words: 660

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Yes, the Debit Crisis Could Spread To The U.S.! Here's Why

[Unfortunately,] for the U.S....its budget deficit is growing in spite of the fact revenues into the treasury continue to grow...Given the low level of interest rates on the Treasury's debt it would not take much of an interest rate spike in the U.S. to negatively impact the government's budget. [So, in reply to the unspoken question on everyone's mind, "Yes, the debit crisis could most definitely spread to the U.S." Let me explain further.] Words: 633

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Financial Dominoes: First Greece, then Much of Europe and Finally the USA?

For decades, the governments of the western world have been warned that they were getting into way too much debt. For decades, the major banks and the big financial institutions were warned that they were becoming way too leveraged and were taking far too many risks. Well, nobody listened so now we get to watch a global financial nightmare play out in slow motion. Grab some popcorn and get ready. It is going to be quite a show. [Let me explain.] Words: 1075

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Nouriel Roubini: Bold and Aggressive Policy Actions Necessary to Prevent a Depression (+2K Views)

The latest economic data suggests that recession is returning to most advanced economies, with financial markets now reaching levels of stress unseen since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The risks of an economic and financial crisis even worse than the previous one – now involving not just the private sector, but also near-insolvent sovereigns – are significant. So, what can be done to minimize the fallout of another economic contraction and prevent a deeper depression and financial meltdown? [Below I recommend 8 ways that would do just that.] Words: 1641

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Goldman Sachs Privately Telling Clients to Bet on Upcoming Economic Collapse! (+2K Views)

The debt crisis in the United States is unsustainable, and the debt crisis in Europe is unsustainable. As such, we are facing a global debt meltdown and are heading for an economic collapse. You aren't going to hear that truth from the media or from our politicians, however, because keeping people calm is much more of a priority to them than is telling the truth - and right now we are in the calm before the storm. Nobody knows exactly when the storm is going to strike (i.e. when the collapse is going to happen) - but it is definitely on the way -- and now even Goldman Sachs is admitting [that that is most likely the outcome of the present situation. Here is what they had to say recently in a "secret" document that has just now been made public.] Words: 1147

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