Saturday , 15 March 2025

Tag Archives: silver

Gold Measurements: What Do the Terms “Karat” & “Troy” Ounce Actually Mean? (+62K Views)

You have no doubt read countless articles on the price of gold costing "x dollars per ounce", own a gold ring or some other piece of gold jewellery and/or wear or have bought/plan to buy a diamond ring but do you really understand exactly what you are buying? What's the difference between 1 troy ounce of gold and 1 (regular) ounce? What's the difference between 18 and 10 karat gold? What's the difference between a .75 and a 1.0 carat diamond? Let me explain. Words: 1102

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Gold & Silver Warrants: What are They? Why Own Them? How are They Bought & Sold? (+27K Views)

With all the interest in physical gold, silver and other commodities these days, and the large/mid-cap companies who mine the metals and the juniors who are exploring for them, it begs the question: “Why is no one writing about the merits of investing in the long-term warrants associated with a few of those companies?” Merits? Absolutely! Here is a primer on virtually all that you need to know about warrants and how to invest in them for major profits.

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BIG Differences In HUI, XAU, GDX & GDXJ Indices (+14K Views)

The number, market cap and currencies of the constituents of the HUI, XAU, GDX, XGD and CDNX indices differ considerably from each other and, as such, each index presents a different picture of what is really happening in the precious metals marketplace. This article analyzes the make-up of each index to reveal the biases of each to arrive at the answer to the question in the title. Words: 1026

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Prepare & Prosper – Gold Equities Could Experience +1000% Returns Once Again! (+4K Views)

We are in the eye of the storm and when the other side of the vortex engulfs us gold and silver will increase considerably, their associated stocks will go up substantially and their warrants, where available, will escalate dramatically. With what has happened in the world of late and what will be unfolding in the next 5 years or so those few investors who fully understand the impact the current economic situation is going to have on future inflation, the USD, interest rates, the stock market, physical gold and silver and gold and silver stocks and warrants in particular are going to be in the unique position of being the benefactors of currently unimaginable returns and wealth. All they need do, as I like to say, is “Just prepare and prosper!” Words: 918

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Silver is Now Even More Precious Than Gold! Do You Own Any? (+17K Views)

Silver is now rarer than gold and will be for all of eternity. From this point forth we work from current silver production alone and, from this point forth, demand will outstrip production without exception. Can you imagine what that means for the future price of this, indeed, precious metal? Forget about the popular expression: 'Got gold?' The much more important - and potentially more profitable - question to ask these days is, 'Got silver?

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The Top 10 Most Valuable U.S. Coins Found in Pocket Change (+20K Views)

There are a number of U.S. error coins and die varieties in circulation today worth from $30 to $35,000 because they have small distinguishing characteristics that make them rare and valuable. This article will tell you which of your pocket change coins might be worth a large premium over face value, and why. Words: 1100

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