Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: higher taxes

The Markets & Politicians Got It Right: The Fiscal "Cliff" Is/Was Nothing to Panic About

Why are Congress and the White House not panicked about the looming fiscal "cliff"? Why has the Dow pulled back only 2% rather than plunging 2,000 points as time to forge an agreement by year-end has foolishly dwindled down to just a couple of days, and odds of it happening have become remote? Probably because the markets and politicians are aware that the economy is not going to suddenly plunge over a cliff into an abyss on January 2 if an agreement has not been reached by then. [Let me explain just what it does mean, though.] Words: 785

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Buy & Hold Commodity Assets (Particularly Gold & Silver) Starting Today: BIG Profits are Coming – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Savers will not stand idly by and watch their savings get wiped out by taxes and inflation....[which] is good news for investors who buy and hold commodity assets today – and it’s also a stark reminder to not be fooled by the short-term head fakes that might make it look like the commodity bull is over. Stay the course – the biggest profits are yet to come. [Here's why.] Words: 405

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The Top 5 States Residents Are Fleeing Due To Financial Repression i.e. Increased Taxes (+2K Views)

The past few years have really put the squeeze on cash-strapped states to find new sources of revenue. This environment has generated a level of tax aggression from certain states, which in turn has resulted in a net loss of revenue instead of the intended gain. Residents have begun voting with their feet, deciding to move out of the state instead of thinning their pocket through unwanted taxation. So which states are chasing away their residents? How does it impact you if you live in one of them? We track migratory patterns through our residency product data, and while some of the states are no-brainers, others may surprise you. [Take a look.] Words: 691

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The Fiscal Cliff: The Choice is Not "Recession or No Recession" but "Recession Now or Recession Later"! Here's Why

The warnings that the fiscal cliff will cause a recession are delivered as if the government can decide whether or not we have a recession. In fact, the government does not have that power, or we would never have recessions. At the most, the government can influence when, not if, we have a recession. We will most likely undergo a recession when we wean ourselves off the unsustainable deficit spending of the last four years. The choice is not recession or no recession. The choice is recession now or recession later. [Let me explain.] Words: 542

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Would Higher Tax Rates On Rich Help Close America's Deficit Much?

It's the shrunken tax base, not lower tax rates, which is responsible for today's revenue shortfall. A healthier economy and faster jobs growth would do much more to close the deficit than any amount of higher tax rates on the rich. Raising tax rates might weaken the economy further, and that would make it much more difficult to generate higher tax revenues. [The truth of the matter is that] nobody's taxes need to be raised, and nobody's spending needs to be cut—the U.S. economy is already on a glide path to the restoration of fiscal sanity. Washington: are you listening? Words: 1190

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Forget About the Fiscal Cliff! Increased Taxes & Austerity Measures Are Coming to the U.S. Regardless! Here's Why

It's easy to find analysts and investors who are certain that a deal [to avoid the fiscal cliff] will be reached, or at least that the can will be kicked down the road to buy more time. It's also easy to find more pessimistic views that are based on the lack of cooperation in the past, and a deeply polarized country and political system. However, I think many are missing the point, which is that austerity is coming to America - taxes are going up and government spending will be reduced - [and. as such,] the United States is likely to face a recession and market correction in 2013, regardless of whether or not a compromise is reached over the Fiscal Cliff. Words: 970

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U.S. May End Up Having the HIGHEST Dividend Tax Rates Among the G-10 Countries Next Year! Here's a Comparison

The U.S. may end up having the highest dividend tax rates among the G-10 countries next year [if] the current rates are not extended. [In fact, the rates will double for most and triple for some along with significant increases in capital gains taxes. Below is a comparison of how the current dividend tax rate compares with the other G-10 countries and how it would compare in 2013 should the reduced rate not be extended.] Words: 325

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Municipal Bankruptcy Crisis in U.S. to Have Dire National Consequences! Here's Why – and How

The plight of municipalities in the U.S., and their struggles under the weight of enormous pension budget deficits, are reaching the critical phase [with] many municipalities [now]contemplating bankruptcy. [That, in turn, is causing]... municipalities [to eliminate jobs (150,000 - 175,000 in 2012) providing significant headwinds to jobs growth nationally [which, in turn, will adversely affect] economic growth...[causing even] more municipalities to declare bankruptcy and [their] states, in turn, run to the Federal government for help. Words: 567

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