Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Goldman Sachs

Derivatives: Their Origin, Evolvement and Eventual Corruption – Got Gold! (+5K Views)

The term “derivative” has become a dirty, if not evil word. So much of what ails our global financial system has been laid-at-the-feet of this misunderstood, mischaracterized term – derivatives. The purpose of this paper is to outline the origin, growth and ultimately the corruption of the derivatives market – and explain how something originally designed to provide economic utility has morphed into a tool of abusive, manipulative economic tyranny. Words: 3355

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Goldman’s $1,050 Gold Forecast is Nothing But a Stink Bid – Here Are 2 Reasons Why

Goldman Sachs' 2014 forecast that gold will drop $1,050 by the end of the year (based on the “powerhouse” U.S. economy picking up speed and accelerating growth) would make perfect sense to someone who recently had had a frontal lobotomy or to the 95-99% group of Americans who believe everything coming from the Boob Tube.Why? Because Goldman has more skin in the game to delude Americans of the value of gold - for throwing the paper price of gold under the bus - and below are 2 such reasons for doing so:

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Coming Derivatives Crisis Will Cause Panic in Financial Markets With Horrific Consequences – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Wall Street has been transformed into a gigantic casino where people are betting on just about anything that you can imagine. This works fine as long as there are not any wild swings in the economy and risk is managed with strict discipline but, as we have seen, there have been times when derivatives have caused massive problems in recent years - the government bailout because of derivatives at AIG; the failure of MF Global because of bad derivatives trades; and the 6 billion dollar loss that JPMorgan Chase recently suffered because of derivatives - [but the next] derivatives panic that comes will destroy global financial markets, and the economic fallout from the financial crash that will happen as a result will be absolutely horrific. [Let me explain my contention.] Words: 1485

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The State of the Global Economy in 27 Charts

Goldman analysts Noah Weisberger and Aleksandar Timcenko are out with their July presentation on the state of the global economy...[and while] the charts paint a decidedly negative picture of the global economy...some of Goldman's proprietary indicators – including their Global Leading Indicator and the Swirlogram – suggest there may be bright spots.

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Goldman Sachs Privately Telling Clients to Bet on Upcoming Economic Collapse! (+2K Views)

The debt crisis in the United States is unsustainable, and the debt crisis in Europe is unsustainable. As such, we are facing a global debt meltdown and are heading for an economic collapse. You aren't going to hear that truth from the media or from our politicians, however, because keeping people calm is much more of a priority to them than is telling the truth - and right now we are in the calm before the storm. Nobody knows exactly when the storm is going to strike (i.e. when the collapse is going to happen) - but it is definitely on the way -- and now even Goldman Sachs is admitting [that that is most likely the outcome of the present situation. Here is what they had to say recently in a "secret" document that has just now been made public.] Words: 1147

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Is Gold a "Gotta-Have" Investment? Some Don't Think So

There's a saying in the investment business that when the taxi driver and the delivery person are talking about a "no-lose, gotta-have" investment, it's time to run for the exits. At that point of maximum adoration and comfort, the masses have gone wild and that's often the warning that the smart money is on its way to the exits and the novices will be trampled in the exodus. Think technology stock bubble in 2000, or house flipping three years ago. Now, think gold. Words: 538

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