Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: gold mining shares

With Gold Stocks Suffering So Badly Should You Sell Out or Buy In? (+2K Views)

Gold stocks are down between 20% and 30% over the past year yet, in that same timeframe, the price of the gold has risen. As a result, sentiment toward gold stocks is pitiful. Even diehard gold bugs are tired of losing money in gold stocks and have been dumping their shares in disgust. This article discusses 4 main reasons I can think of why gold stocks might be so cheap. Words: 444

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Now's Your Time: Take Advantage of Market Trepidation, Act With Uncommon Confidence & Buy (Some) More Gold!

At the end of the day the gold price is not a mystery – it's a proxy for dollar weakness. After spending the previous fall and winter testing new nominal highs above $1,800, future investors may come to view...2012 as the opportunity of the decade. Gold has shown its strength and retreated. While most investors will take that as a signal that the market has topped, some will take advantage of the general trepidation to add to their positions at hundreds of dollars off the highs. Words: 700

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John Paulson Now Has 44% of His Hedge Fund’s Assets in Gold Stocks/ETFs! How Much Do You Have? (+2K Views)

Closely-followed billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, who famously bet against the subprime housing market in 2007, released his 13F regulatory filing revealing that his hedge fund increased its stake in gold in the second quarter to 44% of his funds equity assets. How much do you have invested in physical gold, gold ETFs, gold mining shares and warrants?

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Now's the Time to Take Advantage of Current Discount on Mining Shares – Here's Why

Gold stocks are now trading as though peace, prosperity, balanced budgets, and the repudiation of fiat currencies were about to break out across the globe, sending the metal back to $1,000 per ounce in the very near future. Given the stagflation conditions in the developed world, however, and governments’ proclivity to use money printing in order to jump-start an economy, it may be wise to take advantage of the current discount being offered on mining shares.

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Will Gold Peak at $2,500, $8,890 or $15,000? (+2K Views)

When considering that the conditions which propelled gold and silver to their 1980 highs are much worse today, I predict both metals will easily eclipse those previous highs. That means $2,500 gold and $150 silver at the very minimum, but more likely a parabolic ascent to $8,890 gold and $517 silver before all is said and done. Words: 1063

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