Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: financial meltdown

The 5 Stages of Collapse: Financial, Commercial, Political, Social & Cultural – Where is the U.S. Now? (26K Views)

Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between Russia and the U.S. - the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this - I feel define five stages of collapse to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it. Words: 2500

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An Economic Crash Seems Likely This Year – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dozens (dare I say hundreds?) of "analysts" (should I say alarmists?) are convinced that the U.S. economy (and that of the world for that matter) is going to hell in a hand basket - and soon. How sound are their analyses of the current economic situation? Will they be proven to be very insightful or nothing less than fear mongers looking for attention? Their views are all here. You be the judge.

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Economic Collapse Is a Distinct Possibility – Are You Prepared Even A Little Bit? (+2K Views)

Do you share concerns about the world today, and the path we are headed on? Do you believe a total economic collapse is a real risk? Many would say it’s a concern but doubt it’s actually going to happen. It’s always been okay, so it probably always will be, is certainly the view that most of us hold. The thing is, though, that it hasn’t always been ok and it could easily happen again. Are you prepared for such an eventuality?

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Unbelievable! Geithner Admits That He Doesn't Know What To Do

An Associated Press release has said that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told eurozone finance officials the U.S. is not trying to lecture them on their debt crisis saying that "we still have our challenges in the United States" and that "our politics are terrible... maybe worse than they are in many parts of Europe". The U.S. finance chief said that given the challenges the U.S. faces, "we're not in a particularly strong position to provide advice to all of you." Why isn't this breaking news? Words: 570

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Weiss: A Financial Apocalypse Awaits America!

I have great confidence in mankind’s ability to ultimately overcome even the most extreme of crisis but at this juncture, however, America has yet to begin that arduous process. We live an unrealistic lifestyle on borrowed money and borrowed time. [As such, we are on the brink of] a looming crisis with the power to crush the U.S. economy. Unless Washington makes a 180-degree turn, we face a catastrophe that could end our way of life as we know it. Words: 870

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Jim Sinclair: We are Way Over the Edge Already! Got Gold? (+2K Views)

I wrote a piece recently called "Could America be Pushed over the Economic Edge?" about how Libya, Japan or even covert economic warfare from America’s enemies could push the U.S. into another financial meltdown. I received a one sentence email from my friend Jim Sinclair that said, “We are way over the edge right now.” His message gave me a sinking feeling. [Let me explain.] Words: 923

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Will the U.S. Dollar or Euro Collapse and Cause Financial Armageddon?

What event could trigger an unstoppable domino affect leading to a financial meltdown? You may think [that such a possibility is extremly unlikely] but daily we move closer to the real possibility that a major fiat currency such as the US Dollar or the Euro could collapse in the blink of an eye. [Let’s take a look at why and how such …

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