Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Eurozone

Who are Europe’s Member States?

The European member states are countries mainly in Europe, and three outside, that are part of one or more of the four major treaty groups, namely the European Union (EU), NATO, Schengen, and eurozone, each governing a different aspect of the region’s infrastructure. Let’s take a look at each of them.

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Is There a Viable Alternative to the Dollar as the Reserve Currency? (+9K Views)

Within the recent retracement of the U.S. currency there has been endless speculation about the future role of the dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. Moreover, there has even been conjecture that the dollar will no longer exist at some point in the near future but any case made for the vulnerability of the dollar falls short when it comes to naming alternatives. Words: 631

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Europe’s Economic Recovery Has Run Out Of Steam! Here’s Why

Despite the European Central Bank's periodic assurances to the contrary, Europe is well on its way to a lost economic decade and if European policymakers cannot shake themselves out of their present state of complacency we should brace ourselves for very rough going in the global financial markets when the U.S. Federal Reserve starts the process of normalizing interest rates.

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When EU Crisis Hits France This Autumn – Germany Will Walk! – Here's Why

The future of the eurozone all boils down to Germany. I've been forecasting for months that Germany will increasingly focus on domestic interests and that it will ultimately opt to leave the Euro rather than prop up the EU. The former (focusing on domestic issues) is already underway and I believe the latter will occur once the EU Crisis spreads to France which I expect to happen before autumn. At that point, it's game over for any notion of the current EU lasting because Germany will walk! [Let me explain further.] Words: 675

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When EU Crisis Hits France This Autumn – Germany Will Walk! – Here’s Why

The future of the eurozone all boils down to Germany. I've been forecasting for months that Germany will increasingly focus on domestic interests and that it will ultimately opt to leave the Euro rather than prop up the EU. The former (focusing on domestic issues) is already underway and I believe the latter will occur once the EU Crisis spreads to France which I expect to happen before autumn. At that point, it's game over for any notion of the current EU lasting because Germany will walk! [Let me explain further.] Words: 675

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Doomsayers' Dire Scenarios for Euro Zone Overdone – Here's Why

Predicting dire scenarios for the euro zone has become a cottage industry. Each day well-respected economists and investors explain why the collective economies of Europe are doomed - that it's only a matter of time - but I outline here 3 reasons why becoming too gloomy on Europe might be the wrong approach. Words: 600

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Doomsayers’ Dire Scenarios for Euro Zone Overdone – Here’s Why

Predicting dire scenarios for the euro zone has become a cottage industry. Each day well-respected economists and investors explain why the collective economies of Europe are doomed - that it's only a matter of time - but I outline here 3 reasons why becoming too gloomy on Europe might be the wrong approach. Words: 600

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