Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: economic disaster

The 5 Stages of Collapse: Financial, Commercial, Political, Social & Cultural – Where is the U.S. Now? (26K Views)

Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between Russia and the U.S. - the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this - I feel define five stages of collapse to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it. Words: 2500

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Stan Druckenmiller: America Is Heading For A Disaster

Stan Druckenmiller had an incredible investing performance (a compounded annualized rate of return of 30% - without a single down year - over a 25 year period) which was rooted in his skills in making macroeconomic forecasts. Applying those skills to an analysis of our current & future economic situation he has concluded that America is heading for a disaster. Here's why.

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An Economic Crash Seems Likely This Year – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dozens (dare I say hundreds?) of "analysts" (should I say alarmists?) are convinced that the U.S. economy (and that of the world for that matter) is going to hell in a hand basket - and soon. How sound are their analyses of the current economic situation? Will they be proven to be very insightful or nothing less than fear mongers looking for attention? Their views are all here. You be the judge.

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They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere! A Recap of the World’s Current Crises, Crashes & Catastrophes and Coming Collapse & Chaos (+2K Views)

So much has been written about what various authors refer to as the economic (in alphabetical order) abyss, apocalypse, Armageddon, avalanche, catastrophe, chaos, cliff, collapse, crisis, disaster, downturn, endgame, meltdown, pain, reality, risks, situation, train wreck, tsunami, turmoil that faces the nations of the world I thought a source article of what has been said about the situation would be of interest. Have a look.

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The Fiscal Cliff Drama Is Over! Here Are the Winners & Losers

At the 13th hour, the House passed the compromise bill that appears to have helped the U.S. avoid imminent economic disaster - from their own inability to reach a compromise before the January 1st deadline. For now, the markets appear to be cheering the reduction of some uncertainty but it's not the all-inclusive deal that many had hoped for. Below are some of the apparent winners and losers included in the deal. Words: 765

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The Average U.S. Citizen Is Clueless Regarding the Desperate Shape the Country Is In! Are You? (+2K Views)

The corrosive nature of politics and government has destroyed the economy and the moral fiber of citizens. These issues are not insurmountable, but they are very close to being so. Their ramifications are potentially existential in nature: the average length of life, the very time span or cycle of a nation has been proven in history to be approximately 250 years. Since the USA was born in 1776 this says we have about 14 years of life remaining for America. The way things are going we don’t doubt it. [Let me explain.] Words: 768

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Kenneth Rogoff: Will The Next Economic Disaster Be A Cyber Crisis?

When the financial crisis of 2008 hit, many shocked critics asked why markets, regulators, and financial experts failed to see it coming. Today, one might ask the same question about the global economy’s vulnerability to cyber-attack. Indeed, the parallels between financial crises and the threat of cyber meltdowns are striking. [Let me explain.] Words: 885

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The Future: How Best To Avert Disaster

The future will be determined by how global supply and global demand are brought back into balance. If, [on one hand,] the means are found to expand aggregate demand sufficiently and sustainably, then the global excess supply will be absorbed and the global economy will begin to grow again. If, on the other hand, equilibrium is restored by a collapse in supply – back to a point at which there is real demand, a point determined by the current income and purchasing power of the individuals who comprise the world’s population – then globalization will collapse and the world economy will plunge into depression. Should that occur, millions of people around the world could starve before the decade is out. The geopolitical repercussions of such a scenario would be beyond dire. Words: 1313

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